Who are we? We are Americans! The true job creators! We believe - TopicsExpress


Who are we? We are Americans! The true job creators! We believe that our Sovereignty has been breached by our leaders working with, first GATT, and Currently the WTO and World Bank. We love other countries, cultures, and people, but are wary of the concept of Globalism. We are NOT Isolationists. There are at least two types of Globalists, The Idealists, who truly want to unite the world, end famine, disease and war, and then there are the financiers of their projects. They just want to Rule the World period. They have no feeling at all for the individual and see only numbers on a spreadsheet. Access to a lands riches are all they care about along with cheap or slave labor. China used its military to construct a massive industrial infrastructure during the 1980s and into the 1990s. Our globalist president at the time pushed to have China allowed into the WTO and the Great China Trade Deal was struck. Our Banking institutions jumped on the opportunity and in the blink of an eye America was changed forever. Now, we have seen mergers and mega stores create great wealth for the few while controlling wages. We have seen the lowest interest rates in history from the Federal Reserve but the Big Banks dole this cheap money out to the Golden Few, while holding back funds from Small businesses and ordinary Americans (Remember when savings accounts payed 5%?). Consumers are buried in red tape, bank fees and sky rocketing interest rates. This is Our Own Money! In order to hold on to this power these mega corps and the people who pump the money into them have literally seize the single most important right we have as Citizens. That is the right to vote and be counted. Citizens United, literally uncovered this conspiracy for all to see. Now, following in the footsteps of Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt, we must as a people let our voices be heard united! We must build the world’s greatest infrastructure. We must demand that our Jobs be brought back home and New Jobs be created! We must squash like parasitic insects anyone who stands in the way, be they Banker, Politician, or Brother or Sister. We must stand together or we will not stand at all. petitions.moveon.org/sign/lets-put-an-end-to-the?source=c.em&r_by=576634
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 20:14:33 +0000

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