Who is JESUS? An age old question. To the Atheist He is a man, - TopicsExpress


Who is JESUS? An age old question. To the Atheist He is a man, myth or fable. To most world religions; a good teacher or prophet. To most Christians? Im afraid most know about JESUS, but dont really know Him. The Pharisees and most church leaders of JESUS time knew about Him. They challenged Him, tempted Him, and eventually put Him on the cross. Most Christians today are not much better. We have said the prayers, sang the songs, spent our share of Sundays listening to boring sermons and hanging out with nice people for a couple hours, then spend the rest of the week being our own lord and masters. The evidence is in our homes, our families, and our nation. I choose to believe that JESUS is the Son of GOD, my savior, LORD, and King. JESUS is my best friend, my healer, and the center of my life. If you are hurting, I know the best physician. If you are sad, depressed, in need of encouragement, I know He can help. If you are struggling with the sin of this world, the weight of your own sin, the pain caused by another, I know who can heal you. I have been asked why do I always bring Him up. I bring Him up because He is my way, my Truth, my LORD and King. I have chosen to believe Him, follow Him, do as he has instructed. He is real to me and I know Him. Who is JESUS to you? Do you know about Him, or do you know Him. One last scary thought. Either you are living for JESUS, or you are living against Him. You may go to His church, say the prayers and sing the songs; However, if you are not living for Him, you are joining the world against Him. If you are not living for Him, you are making yourself His enemy. Sad thing is, many in His church today will read this and still choose to be their own lord and king. Matthew 7:21.... Not everyone who says to me LORD LORD will enter the kingdom of Heaven, but only those who obey the will of My father. You will say unto me upon that day, Lord Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? And have we not in your name cast out demons? And in thy name done wonderful things? I will say unto you upon that day, depart from me you children of unrighteousness, I know you not! How sad, to say all those prayers, sing all those songs, waste all those Sundays, all for nothing, because you choose to only know about Him. Only you can make this right. Only you can make Him KING and Master of your life. You choose, Who is JESUS to you?
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 15:42:11 +0000

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