Who is afraid of chinas influence in southern sudan that he is - TopicsExpress


Who is afraid of chinas influence in southern sudan that he is known to be supporting opposition forces inculding vice president dr riek machar to cause aregime change and balance of power in that country ,who supported mobutu seseko for 32years and turned around and supported ugandan and rwandan governments +laurent kabila and friends in 1997 to over throw his goverment,who again has been funding ugandan and rwandan military all these years to keep mineral eastern congo unstable?, who allowed charles taylor to escapefrom u.s prison and went on to give him military intelligence,finances in order to over throw the liberian government at the time?and turned against him When he strayed alittle from the sell out line, who looked the other way when arabs supported joseph kony was killing ,burning,butchering people all over nothern uganda for twenty years and now is busy telling the world how is going to send 150 marines to hunt down the reclusive kony in jungles of congo brazille and chad just in time when uganda is to start drilling part of its 2billions+ barels of oil? Who destablised the once vibrant zimbwabwe with media wars,economic sanctions as apunishment to president robert mugabe and those who support him for trying to correct colonial injustices most especialy land distribution problem? Who caused that massive weather modification in haiti icould go on and on but ihope you get the point.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 17:43:23 +0000

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