Whose word is it anyway? How does someone seeking to please God - TopicsExpress


Whose word is it anyway? How does someone seeking to please God with their life make choices of where to go, what to do and who to work with? How does a local church know whom to release into ministry, what programs to run, and where to focus their mission? A business will select the most lucrative markets to concentrate their efforts and gather those most talented, intelligent, attractive and fluent in speech to maximise sales. But God doesn’t think like that and often he chooses unexpected paths and people to fulfil his purposes. Such revelation is provided through prophets and prophecy both in the Bible and in the New Testament church today. This book follows the intriguing journey of an international prophet and brings practical wisdom and encouragement in the areas of vision, mission, leadership, growth and strategy for both leaders and everyday followers of Christ. “It is high time for this book. Understanding the things written here are a key to the health and future of the Church. Reading it will craft your life, not just your gift.” Pete Beck, Jr, Apostolic Leader and Dr Clem Ferris, Prophet, both North Carolina, USA. “Keith’s perseverance as a prophet has always challenged and encouraged me. This book brings practical wisdom and encouragement that is the fruit of faithfulness to God’s calling.” Sam Poe, Prophet, Newfrontiers, USA. “Written by one of the most fruitful prophetic mentors in our generation, this book is filled with a deep love for the body of Christ.” Richard Kao, Senior Pastor, Vancouver, Canada. “I love it when fathers speak and Keith is one of the prophetic fathers I listen to. This book is jam packed with fresh revelation, careful instruction and robust faith. Buy it, it will do you good!”
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 08:57:17 +0000

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