Why Economics Is The New RocknRoll and Dr Michael Hudson is Johnny - TopicsExpress


Why Economics Is The New RocknRoll and Dr Michael Hudson is Johnny Rotten/Iggy Pop/Henry Rollins. Michael, why dont ya tell it like it T-I-S? LOLOLOLOL! The simple answer is that Krugman is a neoclassical economist. Neoclassical means anti-classical. He does not recognise that there is such a thing as economic rent. He also got in a big argument with your Australian Steve Keen two years ago saying that banks don’t create credit. “All banks do,” Krugman said, “is lend out savings.” He said it’s inconceivable that a bank can actually create credit or inflate asset prices. So Krugman is applauded by the right-wing to be their liberal of choice not because he understands the economy, but because he doesn’t understand the economy. If he understood how the economy worked he wouldn’t have won the Nobel Price, because that’s a prize for people pretending that there’s no such thing as economic rent; there’s no such thing as unearned income. And that’s why Krugman’s focus is on, well, the real problem is that these managers of companies are paid so much more and they earn so much more income. But he’s even wrong as to his statistics and, remember, he’s a professional bank lobbyist. He’s paid by the banks. He went to Iceland to support the banks against the government trying to rein them in. So, of course the bankers love Krugman because he’s their lobbyist. michael-hudson/2014/04/pikettys-wealth-gap-wake-up/
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 09:13:16 +0000

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