Why I Believe the Bible is the Word of God by Phyllis Robinson 10 - TopicsExpress


Why I Believe the Bible is the Word of God by Phyllis Robinson 10 June 2011 at 21:46 I have always found detective type information very interesting, and years ago, did a lot of reading, and in a booklet I am reading presently, I was really amazed to read about one the the serial killers I had read about years back, ‘Son of Sam’ was the name he was called, and he killed a number of woman. The man has now repented, and the lady who wrote this booklet, Phyllis Robinson , and the booklet is called Why I Believe the Bible is the Word of God. She made contact with him and he wrote her a letter which she quotes in the book as follows: May God bless everyone who is reading this message. My name is David Berkowitz, and I am a prison inmate who has been incarcerated for more than twenty-two years. I have been sentenced to prison for the rest of my life. I was the notorious murderer known as “Son of Sam”. It was eleven years ago, when I was living in a cold and lonely prison cell, that God got hold of my life. Here is my story of hope. Ever since I was a small child, my life seemed to be out of control. When I was in the public school, I was so violent that a teacher had to grab me in a headlock and throw me out of his classroom. I was plagued with bouts of severe depression. Two years of weekly psychotherapy had no effect on my behaviour. Thoughts of suicide often came into my mind. My dad had me talk to a rabbi, teachers and school counsellors, but nothing worked. When I was fourteen, my mother died. I had no siblings, so it was just my dad and me. He had to work ten hours a day, six days a week. We spent very little time together. I felt hopeless and became even more rebellious. My dad managed to push me through high school. The day i graduated I joined the Army. Even in the service I had trouble coping, though I did manage to finish my three year enlistment. I got out of the service in 1974 and found myself living alone in New York City. I was twenty-two, and the forces of Satan were becoming more and more evident in my life. I had always been fascinated with witchcraft, Satanism, and occult things since I was a child. I used to watch countless horror and Satan-type movies, some of which totally captivated my mind. I felt as if something was trying to take control of my life. I began to read the Satanic Bible and to practice occult rituals and incantations. Eventually, I crossed that invisible line of no return, I began committing horrible crimes. Looking back, it was an awful nightmare, and I would do anything if I could undo everything that happened. Six people lost their lives. Many others suffered at my hand, I am sorry for this. In 1978 I was sentenced to 365 consecutive years, virtually burying me alive behind prison walls. Ten years into my prison sentence, when I was feeling despondent and without hope, another inmate introduced himself and began to tell me that Jesus Christ loved me and wanted to forgive me. Although I knew he meant well, I mocked him because I did not think that God would ever forgive me or that He would want anything to do with me. Still this man persisted and we became friends. His name was Rick, and we would walk the yard together. Little by little he would share with me about his life and what he believed Jesus had done for him. He kept reminding me that no matter what a person did, Christ stood ready to forgive is that individual would be willing to turn from the bad things he was doing and put his full faith and trust in Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross – dying for our sins. He gave me a Gideon Pocket Testament and asked me to read the Psalms. I did. Every night I would read from them. It was at this time the Lord was quietly melting my stone-cold heart. One night hi was reading Psalm 34. I came upon the 6th verse which says “This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him from all his troubles”. It was at this moment in 1987, that I began to pour out my heart to God. Everything seemed to hit me at once – the guilt of what I had done, and the disgust at what I had become. Late that night, in my cold cell I got down on my knees and began to cry to Jesus Christ. I asked Jesus to forgive me for all my sins. I spent a good while on my knees praying to Him. When I got up, it felt as if a heavy but invisible chain that had been around me for so many years was broken. A peace flooded over m. I did not understand what was happening. In my heart I just knew that somehow my life was going to be different. More than 16 years have gone by since I had that first talk with the Lord. So many good things have happened in my life since. Jesus Christ has allowed me to start an outreach ministry right here in the prison. I can pray with troubled men as we read our Bibles together. I have worked as the Chaplain’s clerk and also have a letter-writing ministry. The Lord has also mad ways for me to share with millions via TV programs such an Inside Edition. I have been able to share what God has done in my life as well as warm others about the dangers of involvement in the occult. One of my favourite passages of Scripture is Romans 10:13, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved”. Here it is clear that God has no favourites. He rejects no one, but welcomes all who call upon Him”. I am not sharing this message simply to tell you an interesting story. Rather I want you to taste the goodness of God in the life of a man who was once a Satan-worshipper and a murderer, to show you that Jesus Christ can bring about forgiveness, hope and change. I have discovered that Christ is my answer and my hope. He broke the chains of sin, self-will, and depression that had me bound. He has turned me from a path leading to eternal damnation in the lake of fire to the blessed assurance of eternal life in heaven. God has miraculously transformed “Son of Sam” into “Son of Hope”. He wants to perform the same kind of transformation in your heart and life today! Love in Christ, David Berkowitz. Two interesting points she mention is firstly, David does not attend parole hearings, He does not believe he deserves to be paroled. And the second interesting point she makes is that the Judge Alexander, who was a former prison guard, who dealt with David made a statement, that he had dealt with evil people in his time, and not many people have ever scared him, but David did. Later, after David has come to Christ, he (Jude Alexander) said “Once where I could only see darkness and demons, I could now see David was overflowing with rivers of living water. We currently have the most wonderful fellowship in Jesus Christ!”. Before using his testimony, she asked permission and this is what David said: You certainly have my permission to use my testimony in your publication. It is all for God’s glory. Besides, it’s not really my testimony. Rather it is the testimony of what Jesus Christ had done for me. So everything belongs to Him anyway.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 17:20:37 +0000

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