Why Leaders Lie: The Truth about Lying in International Relations - TopicsExpress


Why Leaders Lie: The Truth about Lying in International Relations , 2012. MIARSHAYMAR Seeking answers to the main question forming the title of the book and so far only occasionally broached some analyzes in the field of international politics, the author notes at the beginning: People seem to believe that they can identify many examples of mutual outwitting between heads of state (...) They believe in essence that lies in international relations is the usual action (...) as a realist (...) I was at first inclined to agree with them, but after studying this issue came to the conclusion that they are not allowed. In international relations between states not too many lies. This does not mean that it does not happen (p. 10) [3]. Discussing its conclusion he solidify that ... Even in everyday life lie to samyata punishable behavior, it is still in international politics is assumed because politicians sometimes have important strategic reasons to lie to other states that even its citizens (p. 19). Politicians often lie to their communities than other countries in matters of international politics. This applies notably to democratic countries pursuing an ambitious foreign policy and prone to conflict, even in situations where there is no clear and close threat to their vital interests, which may be removed only by force (p. 20). Fraud (...) is based on the fact that someone deliberately take steps to complete obstruction of another to understand the full (...) truth on an issue (...) his conscious objective is to describe the events in a way hide the truth or not showing the whole truth (pp. 33-34). Miarshaimar adopted the notion of cheating for general category that covers three types of behavior: telling lies, exaggeration and concealment, focusing on the first of them. (Toast a lie repeated 100 times is converted to the truth. - This is the basic principle of the propaganda) Further, the author presents - sometimes figuratively and popular science, inventory lies in international relations. It lies strategically differentiate and selfish. Among the first following seven different types: 1) interstate lies, 2) waking fears, 3) strategic concealment, 4) construction of nationalist myths, 5) liberal lies, 6) social imperialism, 7) blatant conceal. The last example shows clearly that lying is often necessary in international politics, and as people - Demokratochen Socialism (no such animal, but was created by engineers transition in communist countries), although it - LIE-may not bring the expected results .
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 11:40:14 +0000

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