Why President Obama hasn’t been physically dragged out of office - TopicsExpress


Why President Obama hasn’t been physically dragged out of office at this point is one of those questions that will likely remain a mystery. In case you missed it, Obama this week declared to his Cabinet that if Congress doesn’t do what he wants it to do, he will simply use executive orders to create and enforce any law he chooses. Based on the silence from my many liberal acquaintances, the response to Obama from the Left is “so what?” Obama repeated his declaration to the Democratic members of Congress, who then walked out of the meeting without talking to reporters. Again, silence. Did Obama talk too fast? Was he not speaking clearly? For my hard-headed friends on the Left, let’s review: The president of the United States just declared that Congress is null and void as far as he’s concerned. Except for the fact that Congress will continue to burn through money like a hot knife through butter, and absent a formal declaration of dissolution, the Legislative Branch has effectively ceased to exist. It’s still there in the sense that it occupies space, but that’s it. Obama is acting like Jack Nicholson in “Mars Attacks”: “I want the people to know that they still have two out of three branches of the government working for them, and that ain’t bad.” Except the invader here isn’t from another planet or even another country. We’ve just witnessed a home-grown coup. (And one that many of us saw coming even before Obama’s first presidential victory.) We are now living — officially — in a dictatorship. So where’s the outrage? Is Twitter so fascinating that you just can’t be bothered? Grumpy Cat got your tongue? Bill Maher didn’t make fun of it, so it hasn’t happened? Is it the fluoride in the water? Is it the legalized pot? Or is it that after years of dumbing down public education, we are simply too stupid to realize what just happened? Another review for the Left: The government derives its authority from the people. The Constitution is the contract that limits and defines what the government can do. The president under the contract is supposed to work with Congress and enforce the laws that Congress passes. President Obama has just said he will not follow that contract he has with the people. He has broken the contract. No Constitution, no presidency. So if Obama, despite breaking his contract, continues to accept and enjoy all the perks of the president’s office while failing to honor his obligations, that makes him something else other than the president. Now, what are you going to do about it? I used to wonder how millions of Germans could allow a dictator to come to power. We are now demonstrating exactly how it happens. Read more at politicaloutcast/2014/01/first-american-tyranny-cool/#EPQxuOzVFP8LcQQx.99
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 22:08:59 +0000

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