Why am I linking to this asshat’s FB page (one of them anyway)? - TopicsExpress


Why am I linking to this asshat’s FB page (one of them anyway)? Because I heard him on Coast To Coast AM last night and all his whole bit is shilling for his books, his gold selling business, and his investment firm. This guy is SUCH a patriot that he advises buying gold—not dollars—and investing your American dollars in overseas investments—which of course, he brokers. He is SUCH a patriot that he is telling all Americans willing to pay him money that they should avoid investing in America since the Yankee dollah is headin’ for a fall. Of course, if he got everyone to avoid investing in America—I assume which is Schiff’s native country—it will result in a self-fulfilling prophecy of financial depression. Hmmm, the Chinese are among the biggest buyers of American debt. Wonder what they know that super-duper financial expert Pete Schiff doesn’t? And what are Schiff’s gripes with this government? Read’s like a What’s What in Koch Brothers talking points handed out to all teabaggies and Republicans. “Big government needs to get out of the way of the business creators who are being bled to death by high taxes and fees and regulations which constrict and restrict those job creators from creating millions of jobs which will put all the lazy bastards on unemployment, welfare, and Social Security back to work instead of allowing them to remain parasites draining the economic livelihood of this country dry because they’re too lazy to find work as maids and housecleaners, the lazy bastards prefer to keep getting those free government handouts. And oh, yes, he’ll be happy to sell you his books teaching you how to buy his gold and his overseas investment accounts where you can invest in dollars—New Zealand and Australian dollars, that is. Pete Schiff is a one-man microcosm of the Tea Party and the Republicans and why you can’t to talk to or reason with any of them. There is no soul or conscience to talk to or reason with; just a computer investment program and a balance sheet.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 18:30:06 +0000

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