Why am I opposed to the ACA? My primary objections are on - TopicsExpress


Why am I opposed to the ACA? My primary objections are on principle: 1. I do not believe Health Care is a function for the Federal Government. Good, bad or mediocre, Health Care isn’t a Federal issue. This is a matter to be resolved at the state & local levels. My constitution says the government is to PROVIDE DEFENSE but merely PROMOTE WELFARE. We have switched that backwards to our peril. 2. It is not possible to legislate Prosperity. Government cannot make people wealthy. They can only take wealth away. At best, Government has a symbiotic relationship with the economy. However, it has exceeded 30% of the GDP (Based on a news report I heard) and Progressives feel it is still far too small (In other words, the private sector still exists and they want a total government take-over.) The greater % of the GDP taken by Government, the less $ the rest of us have to do what we want/need. 3. I do not believe the Federal Government is capable of providing BETTER service than the private sector (other than National Security) PERIOD. (And that INCLUDES health care, of course.) 4. We just don’t have the money. We are borrowing nearly 50 cents for every dollar we spend on EVERYTHING. We are borrowing about a million dollars every second the government is running. We are spending FAR more than we collect (In fact we are nearly spending twice as much money as we collect in tax.) It is irresponsible to plunge America into insolvency over promises we had no right to make and no money to keep. It is insane to imagine we can borrow our way into economic prosperity. 5. I believe the Supreme Court got this one wrong. I cannot find in my copy of the Constitution any means for compelling Americans to buy something they do not want. While it is fine for Government to PROMOTE excellence if we can, it is not fine to turn it into a MANDATE, with people in Washington dictating my health care options. I will seek to change this till the day I die… or succeed. Are Americans still allowed to protest what they think unfair? 6. I am appalled that Congress made the law to be obeyed by the masses, but that they, themselves are exempt. It also strikes me as grossly unfair that exemptions have been granted based on political favoritism. 7. The means of accounting are purposefully designed to hide the actual cost of the bill. They began collecting 4 years before the roll out and they are already behind. What we were told it would cost is barely a fraction of its actual price. Money needed for some needy people was taken away and given to other needy people, all the while pretending like BOTH groups will be covered. Tekies are remarking that a workable system could have been created from scratch for only a few million dollars. The amount spent on the dysfunctional website is an ASTONISHING $600+ million… and it doesn’t work! 8. The number of people not covered by the old system is virtually the same as the number of people who will not be covered in the new system. Worse, the coverage in the old system was actually BETTER than under the new. In the meanwhile, TRILLIONS of dollars have been diverted from patient care just to be spent in preparation for compliance paperwork! 9. I believe the ultimate purpose of the ACA is to DESTROY the health care system as a PRIVATE entity in America as a means of turning our nation into a Socialist State. Obama does not believe in Free Enterprise. He is a Statist. (Read Mark Levin if you want the details.) I also have secondary objections: 1. This act has been and continues to be falsely represented. Many provisions of the law were, hidden, and falsely represented. 2. The ACA is a job killer. They redefined full time to 30 hours. The employer mandate does NOT come into effect for workers who are not full time. Result is that tens of millions of jobs have been cut back to 28 hours! How many Americans can afford this 30% cut back in their paycheck? Our economy is barely hanging on… this is going to hurt big time. 3. There really were Death Panels. They temporarily deleted them when the story broke and were left out for a while until that story appeared to be debunked… and they have been restored. People who appear to be too costly to cover will be listed as “non-persons” and will be left to fend for themselves. For older persons, like my mother, the ACA considers them, “non-persons” and, therefore, it is not murder to let them die if the “quality of life” panels (death panels) determine they are too expensive to treat. In Obama’s own words, “Let them take a pill.” 4. We were told that if we liked our current coverage, we could keep it. However, the act disallowed many, perhaps even most current policies. Thus, we COULD NOT keep the policies that we liked. Just today, I heard that over 15 MILLION policies have been cancelled by the ACA just in the last month. These are from reputable companies like BCBS, Etna, Prudential, etc. 5. We were told that if we liked our current provider, we could keep them. However, the new plans that have been created have not permitted patients & doctors to remain together as a matter of private choice. 6. We were told that this bill would make health care more affordable. Costs have already doubled for most people and they will double yet again. I have heard reputable accounts that costs have risen on average 95%. That 45 of the 50 states are reporting increases and only 5 are reporting decreases. 7. We were told this would essentially cover all Americans. Yet, there are about the same number of people NOT included in the program as were uninsured prior to its initiation. 8. This bill vastly complicates record keeping and paperwork necessary for compliance. 9. There is no “reasonable expectation of privacy” for data being submitted into the system. I believe that some aspects of the law will meet critical specific needs for some people, but that the golden nuggets put into the law are to serve as cheese in a trap. Taken as a whole, this bill is a disaster for America. I believe the real reason the on-line computer registration is not “functioning” correctly is to delay the sticker shock. I have heard from several sources that the deductible portion for out of pocket expenses is a whopping $6,000 PER PERSON. This is untenable. It means that the ONLY insurance benefit most Americans will experience is for catastrophic events. Who in their right mind will pay $300+ a month for virtually NO COVERAGE! It is madness. I must oppose it. Peter Nichols
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 15:12:27 +0000

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