Why am I posting an article about research proving 1 minute of - TopicsExpress


Why am I posting an article about research proving 1 minute of hard exercise embedded in a ten minute workout can improve your health? Heres why: We just launched Insanity Max: 30 which is arguably the most challenging program we have ever produced... But thats just if you EXPECT to stay at your max for the full 30 minutes. The point is, this mix of TABATA and Intervals will push you right form the start. So even if you can only go at the MAX for the first minute, and then you need to dial it back to your comfort zone just to make it through the workout - YOU WILL GET BETTER RESULTS than good old steady-state aerobics. And then when that happens, tomorrow, you got another thirty seconds at your max before you have to back off, and you realize Hey, Im making remarkable improvements here. Then day three, you make it to two minutes. And so on. If you or the people you know have a hard time suiting up for exercise, but when they do, they are a Type A person who wants the steepest most intense experience to make the most out of every single second of that session... Insanity Max :30 is the one. And now theres even a little more proof. well.blogs.nytimes/2014/12/10/one-minute-workout/?emc=eta1&_r=0
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 19:32:49 +0000

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