Why are we trashing good owners who care about their dogs? Dont - TopicsExpress


Why are we trashing good owners who care about their dogs? Dont these people have enough to do with dogs being dumped all day and all night, with abuse cases, with neglect cases, with puppy mills.....???? And everything else. Are they incapable of exercising discretion? If they cant figure out when discretion should be used, then they need to get the hell out of their jobs. Not that they are smart enough to figure that out anyhow. DarwinAward goes to the Carson, California, AC staff........ except they dot really qualify because they are not dead, but they are setting back critical thinking to say, oh, about the 9th century. Lowbrow morons. Go back to serving sodas at the local drive through. Woman threatened and bullied by animal control officer and shelter I wrote to the mayor. This is just stupid beyond stupid. We see Carson’s idiocy every day of the week, readily available who tune in regularly to their antic and moronic behavior. Mr. Mayor, get out your pen, use executive order, let’s get these dogs back where they belong. At once. No more fooling around in a situation that does not require animal control. CLEARLY, they don’t have enough to do at Carson. I think we can drum up other more needed chores for them. Go here lamayor.org/contact to email the mayor. Wendy Barajas, a 29-year-old, California resident and full time student, has found herself entrenched in a legal battle with the Carson Animal Shelter, to save the lives of her two dogs, Bruno and Sasha, after they were picked up by Animal Control (AC) for dogs-running-at-large. Barajas problems started last month when the gas company came out to fix her outdated meter. During the service call, the gate to her home was damaged by the repair man, unbeknownst to Barajas who later let Bruno and Sasha outside. The two dogs found the gap in the gate, and proceeded to do what dogs do best; visit the neighbors, and play in the streets where they’re not suppose to. The dogs who are current on their shots and tags, were quickly picked up by AC officer (ACO) Garmong and returned to Barajas with a warning, ‘not to let it happen again or else’. Barajas had no intention of ever letting it happen again. But unforeseen circumstances would soon present itself a short time later… Early in the morning two weeks ago, Barajas left Bruno and Sasha outside while she ran a quick errand. The gate to her home is automated and controlled by a remote. She secured the gate like she always had done, but this time when she returned home, ACO Garmong, was on the street outside her home, with one of her dogs in the AC truck and the other at the end of Garmong’s catchpole, and a police officer on her lawn. Barajas quickly parked her car and jumped out. As she approached the scene, Garmong told Barajas, ‘I told you what would happen if I ever caught these dogs running-at-large’. Barajas told Garmong that it had to be some kind of mistake, that the gate had been fixed, and there was no way the dogs could get out of the fence. Garmong then threatened to have Barajas brought up on charges of criminal negligence if she did not sign the dogs over to AC. If she did sign them over ‘it would all go away’. “I didn’t know what to do.” Barajas stated in an exclusive Examiner interview. “I am poor, going to school full time to get my masters in Marriage Family Therapy. I don’t have the money to fight them. I felt threatened, and didn’t think I had a choice at the time but to turn them over to her. I even tried to show her that the gate had been fixed, but she would not listen.” Garmong drove off with Bruno and Sasha. Barajas jumped in her car and met the ACO at the Carson Animal Shelter which is located in Las Angels County. When she asked how to get Bruno and Sasha back, she was told it was not possible and because they were pit bulls they would be destroyed. Not knowing what to do, Barajas posted her story on Facebook when she returned home. Lily Wissell, a friend of Barajas, saw her story, and helped her get in contact with The Lexus Project, an organization that helps people who have legal animal issues, find attorneys in their area that can help. Attorneys Christine Garcia, and Marla Tausher, came to Barajas defense and submitted a resend order that stated Barajas was under duress at the time of signing. This now puts Bruno and Sasha on a court hold. Barajas found out a few days later, that her neighbors remote gate opener, also opens her gate. They both seem to be on the same frequency. When Barajas went to the shelter to visit her dogs, a shelter authority told her she could not see the dogs because she had retained an attorney. Barajas told them she would contact her attorney about visitation rights, and person recanted and allowed her visitation rights. Now the shelter authorities are stating that Bruno and Sasha cannot be reunited with Barajas because she has three other small dogs in her home. The authorities went on to state that Englewood CA. has a strict three dog policy, and if she wants her dogs back she must first get rid of two of her smaller dogs. “I can’t just get rid of my dogs, they are all part of my family,” Barajas stated. “One of the poodles is 10-years-old. The other is 5. I haven’t heard of this three dog rule before. It’s like they keep threatening me with impossible choices, which only have one outcome, the death of two of my dogs. And now the ACO is stating that my dogs scared her when they were loose, but this is not in her filed report.” Englewood does not have Breed Specific Law (BSL) on their books, but there seems to be a hidden BSL agenda that is targeting Bruno and Sasha. Wissell has started a Justice for Bruno and Sasha Facebook page, which contains a link for the Go Fund account that raises money to help with the cost of the legal defense, and the shelter fees that are costing Barajas $36.00 every day that Bruno and Sasha are help prisoners by this shelter. Right now Barajas owes the shelter $504.00. The Examiner would like to know what you think, feel free to comment. Would you like to be notified when the next story is published? Its FREE! Please click the Subscribe LINK on this page, if you would like to automatically receive the articles as soon as they are published. Follow me on Facebook at Kansas City Animal Advocacy Examiner Thank you for reading and sharing these animal articles. We can make a difference in the lives of animals around the world. Have an idea for a story? Contact me at: mhamacww@yahoo
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 01:51:11 +0000

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