Why are we wasting time borrowing funds from these other countries - TopicsExpress


Why are we wasting time borrowing funds from these other countries when we have more energy resources at our fingertips than any other country in the world? Resources in our own country that congress passes laws to stop the production of such energy. These moronic idiots that spend time posturing over a decision to reach a budget, are merely sending the US down the proverbial shitter in a massive flush...its a matter of resources people...and we have an abundance of them..BLM sees to it that they go untapped....especially during the mating season of prairie chickens...WTF is a prairie chicken?.....consider these facts: The United States has more energy resources than any other country in the world. Yet, until recently, the vast majority of this energy was undiscovered or considered technologically infeasible to access. Today, thanks to dramatic new breakthroughs, the United States has the potential to become the number one energy producer in the world by the end of the decade – meaning millions of new jobs, much greater energy independence and lower prices for gasoline and electricity. Today, thanks to the offshore development ban and other restrictions, only 2.2% of America’s offshore land is leased for development. That leaves an area 10 times the size of Texas off our coasts where the United States is blocked from looking for oil and gas. The United States has not built a new refinery since 1976. Without new refineries, the United States will not be able to take advantage of its energy production potential. It won’t matter how much oil the US produces if there is a bottleneck getting the oil refined into gasoline and other petroleum products. The recent gasoline prices spike in California up near $6 per gallon is due primarily to the fact that there is so little refining capacity that any disruption in one location causes across-the-board problem. Beyond outright bans on development and the failure to issue new leases, numerous new laws have been passed in the past 30 years increasing administrative requirements on energy producers. A 2004 report from the U.S. Department of Energy determined that there are more than 140 different laws which impact natural gas production in the United States. Most of these laws apply equally to oil development as well. The result of this new mound of bureaucracy and red tape has been increased permitting delays, lawsuits and compliance costs that are additionally stymieing development. Of course, it is reasonable to expect the US government take steps to make sure energy companies are developing oil and gas responsibly. But environmental regulations long ago passed from the necessary to the ridiculous. For instance, the Bureau of Land Management recently put a moratorium on drilling in 380,000 acres of land during the mating season of prairie chickens. But when pressed, BLM admitted that the ban was not based on any scientific analysis.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 20:21:37 +0000

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