Why do the Masters and phD holders that control the fiscal policy - TopicsExpress


Why do the Masters and phD holders that control the fiscal policy of our country keep doing the ignorant and unintelligent thing of forgetting that it is the workers and the consumers who make a Democratic Capitalist economy and society go round? When they pay us as little as possible and charge us as much as possible, they destroy the demand and disposable income that allows us to own homes, patronize businesses large and small, be entreprenuers that employ others, and/or hire and give a paying job to a lawn-mower man, or a plumber, or a air conditioner repair tech. So those jobs disappear...and unemployment grows while taxes are wasted giving massive incentives packages to multimillion dollar corporations for empty promises that they might create some new low-paying textile, retail, or fast food jobs in your area. And we take that incentive money from the workers, the consumers, the crumbling roads, the underfunded schools, and the struggling small business with seven employees who will be screwed if the biz fails. And they keep giving the corporations and the wealthy everything they want to appease and retain them...giving them our cut of the growth too, so they can have it all and hoard the rest...while our purchasing power, standards of living, and demand for goods and services decline. I have a hard time believing that these professions that exacerbate the mess are ignorant of these facts...it must be purposeful...because it doesnt take a phD to realize that WE are the real job creators. We spend money and create demand that spurs economic growth and employment. Its us, the workers and consumers...and Im glad that some of the pros know. Im just waiting until we can do something to replace the servants of the powerful, with the champions of the people.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 16:20:30 +0000

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