Why in the name of Jor-El are they doing yet ANOTHER Superman - TopicsExpress


Why in the name of Jor-El are they doing yet ANOTHER Superman movie in which they just rehash the same basic storyline about the origins of the Man of Steel with different actors and directors and some crappy corporate formula action schlock tacked on? With all the great imaginative stories the comic book used to do when I was a kid in the mid-1960s, why not a Superman movie where he encounters MXYZPTLK or goes to Bizarro World or some other planet where he loses some of his powers or something more like the comic. I could write a long article ranting about this. And the casting! Ugh. As if a Taurus should ever be cast to play Superman. The Hulk, maybe, but not Superman. At one point they considered and tested Nicholas Cage. Can you imagine? Worse than Keaton as Batman. Gad, these corporate-commercial idiots at Warner Brothers have long lost whatever soul or imagination or judgment they had back in the day of Mel Blanc, Daffy Duck and Tweety. filme-trailer/filme/superman-man-of-steel/
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 21:30:07 +0000

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