Why is My Service Necessary? Why did I start CMC? The big - TopicsExpress


Why is My Service Necessary? Why did I start CMC? The big question! Fortunately this is easy for me to answer. I will do my best to keep this together and coherent ... If I fall off I will get back on that horse just as soon as I can. In my decade long journey through the wireless business I have come to one glaring conclusion that the average consumer could likely come to themselves. This is one of the dirtiest, non-proactive, and hardest to navigate businesses that exist. Its hard enough on the everyday customer trying to keep up with policy changes and being prepared for the next major shift to feel comfortable with what they are spending. It never seems to end and there is little consistency from month to month, never mind year to year. The nature of the business has created distrust with any representative at any brand. Whether or not those individuals are providing the best information, that information will always come with a brand spin depending on whom they represent. It is next to impossible to obtain bias free information because up until I started CMC it did not exist because it could not exist. The reason it could not exist is because the big three providers are not proactive, but rather reactive. If one makes a change you can bet your last penny the other two will follow suit. This inherently makes it impossible for a business to truly know if their spend is accurate, reflective of their true usage, or up to date. Dont expect your provider to call and tell you that youre paying too much, or that there is a better offer available because as discussed earlier they are predominantly reactive in nature. The average small/medium business is usually completely bogged down by their day to day work and have little time to deal with anything other than just that. The providers know this, so even if you find the time to start looking at your wireless costs creating competition between the brands is next to impossible as one will only react to the other. How far that will go depends on knowledge of business, time invested, and provider management. Typically if a business can find these hours to get into it, any savings is a win and provided that is available it will be scooped up on the word of the provider. The hours invested just to get to this point are usually draining enough. Even if a business can invest the hours into this, they have only been provided one very small piece of the puzzle - the pricing. The providers will solely be focused on price. They will not send in a representative to do an accurate review of true usage, or to speak about specific needs. They just want you as a client and will worry about the details later. A typical negotiation CMC conducts on behalf of a client takes a total of 12 - 15 hours invested typically over 2-5 business days. This includes client visit, usage review, needs assessment, proposal creation, provider submission, re-negotiation numerous times, provider engagement, and deployment strategy. This thorough service not only puts the time in to ensure accuracy, but also represents complete dedication on behalf of the customer. CMC provides a trusted teammate to ensure your organization not only wins the best pricing available, but more importantly that what is agreed upon is a true reflection not only of the clients needs, but what is actually available. Instead of a client investing 3+ hours to get to the first discount, they instead can invest 30 minutes with CMC to begin, and another 15 minutes to see the offers secured on their behalf. These offers will always be well past the first line of discount, down to the absolute preferred rate. I have witnessed providers building up simple offers and having their client take that offer when I know for a fact they are not truly getting what is best for them. If any offer is better than what you have CMC is not for your business. If you want peace of mind knowing that you have an unbiased professional in your corner that will only accept the very best for your business, we are here for you. With compensation reflective of results and free up front consultation, wouldnt you at least like to know?
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 15:37:46 +0000

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