Why is it people think that what I am doing with Wake Up Now, Inc - TopicsExpress


Why is it people think that what I am doing with Wake Up Now, Inc is bad, that it is hard, that it wont work? Ever wonder why I put up so many posts about this company? See I want people to understand that I myself believe in the idea that we all deserve the chance to be successful in life. But in order to achieve such a stature we have to LEAVE the comforts of our nest and explore other options. We were ALL raised to go to school, and get loans and put ourselves in debt. Or just get a job straight out of High School or College did not work out and go get a $7.25 job or a bit higher. But yet we dont think of why most of us STILL live check by check or still live at our parents house? Because we are in a recession yet there people who have not been affected by it. I myself am helping build a ladder to help others, I am NOT working hard to climb the ladder. Yes it takes a bit of investing of money to do to start what I am doing, BUT the reward is amazing. Mines is TIME. See I want to spend time with my kids or my love ones while I am still alive and enjoy life all together. I am tired of doing 50 hr work weeks and missing birthdays or holidays or special events because my JOB controls OUR lifes! Please Understand that this is an AMAZING opportunity for everyone. You are just stupid if you want to stick to a 9-5 job and think it will work out for you. Which hey it might but think ahead, how much time are you going to be slaving away to reach that goal? Be smart and learn the phrases, In order to make money you have to invest money as well as Think Out Side Of The Box. It is never to late to start changing your life, and that is all I am offering EVERY SINGLE one of you. That Opportunity. You just have to be smart and take it!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 00:51:57 +0000

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