Why is it that every other race that was enslaved or heavily - TopicsExpress


Why is it that every other race that was enslaved or heavily discriminated against throughout the history of the United States has managed to make a respectable name for themselves in the country except for blacks? The Irish, who were sold for less than the average negro slave and treated with far worse living conditions have never once asked for reparations, even though Lincoln himself stated that Irish slaves were considered even more sub-human than that of the negro. Asians who were once just petty railroad workers are now actively represented as great doctors, scientists, mathematicians, and perfectly respectable people as a whole. And yet African-Americans still find themselves complaining about inequality despite allowing themselves to create a culture for themselves that actively promotes conscious ignorance, violence, and hatred for other cultures. When confronted with a situation that they find caused unjust treatment during an event such as the Trayvon Martin case or the current event going on in which an aggressive black teen who only moments before committed a felony, began confronting an officer with violent intent and failure to cooperate, was fatally shot, and the reaction from the black community was to basically lynch whites in the town in which it took place and start nationwide purges in other cities. The Oppression that this group talks about is self-induced. When your people begin to make a legitimate group effort to contribute to society instead of blame others for your short-comings, the prejudice will end, just like it ended for asian immigrants, Irish immigrants, middle-eastern immigrants, hispanic immigrants, and so-on.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 21:02:21 +0000

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