Why is it that small government activists want big government - TopicsExpress


Why is it that small government activists want big government policies? This will not be popular among many of you, but hopefully, it makes think about what youre supporting. First of all, I know many people mean well in their attempts to support legislation that they personally think and view as protecting the innocent and or granting rights to the people. The problem exists when the state and federal government thinks it has the ability to grant and or restrict rights that are an absolute fundamental right in the Constitution. Today, people look to their government for rights, release of restrictions and or restrictions. That was not the purpose of the Constitution. The purpose was to limit the power of government and make sure citizens had the power to keep their government in check or over throw it if it becomes corrupt and no longer serves its purpose. What we have today are a bunch of polarized, moral crusaders who fight the government to grant or restrict rights based on moral beliefs. What we do not have is people who vote for elected officials who are held accountable to the people and to fight against government infringement of constitutional rights. Both parties keep asking the government to step into the personal lives of the people and it has divided the people into a nation of civil discourse. Divide and conquer is a war tactic and its being used against us by the government by means of our elected officials. In which country that controls healthcare, reproductive rights, personal choices etc are the people truly free? They arent! It is not the governments place to grant rights nor restrict rights already given in the Constitution. Corporations are not people. Freedom is not free. Dont go to war if youre pro-life and cant take care of your vets. The Constitution doesnt grant second chances for violent criminals. The Constitution does; however, grant the rights of the people to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Your moral crusade bills are not protecting the innocent, the sanctity of marriage, nor the people. The people wouldnt need protection from the government if we actually had elected officials who upheld our constitutional rights in the first place! It is the people who can fix things. It has always been the people, not the government, who have changed the course of oppression and retained the very, basic principle this country was founded upon; FREEDOM!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 19:12:11 +0000

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