Why not a FEDERAL FORM of government here in the Philippines like - TopicsExpress


Why not a FEDERAL FORM of government here in the Philippines like that of the United States? Sharing.......... My friend and I had this serious conversation a while ago..most of which were merely about the problems here in our country and series of possible solutions...and then weve come up with this...this may sound (what? ) but hell it makes sense is it possible for our country to have a federal kind of government rather than the unitary form like the USA . Why? here are the reasons: 1.) Our Political Culture- first is that we have a Parochial kind of populace...most of the Filipinos were more concerned on the local government than on the national, esp those rural areas communications/technology like tvs, internet cant reach. (I think such places still exist especially in Visayas and Mindanao areas.) 2.) Philippine Geography- our country is composed mostly of island/islets...maybe this is one of the reasons of the parochial culture thus giving rise to regionalism where we are more concerned on the improvement/development of our own region than on the nation as a whole... The points: 1.) I think it would benefit the country...the culture we have is very very much hard to change so instead of changing it why not take advantage of it??having a federal states with people concerned on their own town will surely give every state a chance to develop itself if given the right amount of budget, since the power structure and processes is not as broad and complex as the nationals...this is the only way to make every resident aware of his political duties and the tendency is for everybody to participate in their states progress.. 2.) one of the rampant problems nowadays is the corruption in the local areas...the tendency for these local officials is to corrupt and then join the masses in pointing-fingers to the national leaders...federal from of government for me will lessen the chance of corruption in the local areas for the way out/alibi of the local leaders is narrower in the federal than that of the unitary...hence every state will be a contributor (and not a hindrance) to the national development. 3.) Another reason is the geography we have...here in the Philippines a place could be too far from its neighboring town...merely because our motherland composes of differing islands...despite the technology connecting them such distance could still be a hindrance in the unity that is necessary in the unitary government...however on the other hand in the federal government, it is not as hard as it seems to be..geography could be used as an advantage to acquire good hub and focal point on the development of its own state without needing much the aid of the head.. 4.) Geography like culture is something beyond our control..so instead of making it as an excuse, why not take advantage of it?in the unitary, there were so many ways geography becomes an obstacle to the development..for example now..because the head of the unitary government is in the Luzon area, the tendency is to prioritize Luzon in everything, leaving Visayas and Mindanao no option but the leftovers...the main focus of the development is always in the Luzon leaving Visayas and Luzon behind..its like these two were just two pieces of unused mass of land being kept instead rather of being cultivated and be turned into something capable of giving aid for the total development...I think and believe in a federal scene this could be changed into something better, giving rise to a more dependent and developed Visayas and Mindanao. 5.) This will make everybody happy in the sense that it will lessen/ prevent oppression (the Muslims I noticed have been experiencing)..maybe this could be a solution to the unending blood bath in Mindanao what do you think?Ive given so much advantages without knowing the real disadvantages actually not familiar with legality of federal government so Im not sure if its still possible or not to be applied in the Philippines..anyways..cant still think of its drawbacks so in a way maybe Im being biased.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 07:26:28 +0000

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