Why was the landfill deal so secretive? What was Deputy Prime - TopicsExpress


Why was the landfill deal so secretive? What was Deputy Prime minister Brave Davis and Kendred Dorsett hiding? Let us look at this just a little closer. I smell a rat..a $12 million dollar rat. November 13th, 2013 Virginia McKinney, president of Waste Not, which was part of the four-member Waste Resources Development Group, speaking for her firm alone, said she was disappointed in the government’s decision and the lack of dialogue. Yet there appears to have been no public tender/bid process for this contract, despite the Government receiving at least five-six Bahamian waste-to-energy proposals. March 13th, 2014 Ginny McKinney, Waste Not’s principal, said Renew Bahamas’ intention to transform solid waste materials from the Tonique Williams-Darling Highway landfill into ‘recyclate products’ at a Nassau-based manufacturing facility went beyond what Bahamian providers had been told about the company’s plans. The government lied to them. An advertisement published in The Tribune on Tuesday disclosed that Renew Bahamas, which was last year described by Kenred Dorsett, minister of the environment, as a foreign company, is applying for tax breaks under the Industries Encouragement Act as a domestic manufacturer. Referring to the advert, Ms McKinney told Tribune Business: “It is not what was laid before us - that those people would be mining, recycling and shipping out [the recycled waste]. I don’t see that that is their arena. “We now have a foreign company coming in, it’s all very secretive, and they have an advert in the newspaper talking about manufacturing.” Waste Not was part of a four-member Bahamian consortium, also featuring BISX-listed Bahamas Waste, Impac and United Sanitation, that offered successive governments solutions to the “environmental disaster” at the landfill, and Ms McKinney questioned whether there was a domestic ownership component to Renew Bahamas. “Everything is so secretive. Nothing has been disclosed, at least as far as we’ve heard,” Ms McKinney told Tribune Business. March 19th, 2014 Documents seen by Tribune Business show that Renew Bahamas, which is negotiating a five-year contract to manufacture recycled products from the landfill’s waste streams, was formed and incorporated just months after the Christie administration’s May 2012 general election victory. One of Renew Bahamas’ two listed directors is Gerhard Beukes, a former investment manager at Adurion Capital, the boutique investment house that is one of the downtown resort’s two shareholders. Renew Bahamas was formed on July 16, and registered on September 13, 2012, by Davis & Company, which became its initial registered office. Documents show the attorney that registered Renew Bahamas as a domestic company was Philip McKenzie, a partner in Davis & Co. So Renew Bahamas was originally a client of Brave Davis via Davis & Co. but after questions were being asked by reporters and other persons within the political arena and accusing Davis of a blatant conflict of interest, Davis quickly transferred the client to another attorney and close friend of his Michael Turner at Turner & Co. because he knew what would happen if the owner of Renew Bahamas was ever revealed. Hence all the secrecy. Here is where it get’s interesting. I decided to take a much closer look at this because I was taken aback by all the secrecy and snubbing of four very capable companies especially that the PLP campaigned on putting Bahamians first. What I found out was horrifically shocking. I remember a line in one of my favorite movies scarface when Frank told Tony to “Never under estimate the other man’s greed”. This is true when it comes to PLP cabinet ministers. Now back to the issue at hand. The paper trail seen by Tribune Business shows that Renew Bahamas switched its registered office from Davis & Co to the McKinney, Turner & Company law firm on February 6, 2013. Davis got cold feet and was afraid of what might be discovered? The documents show that Renew Bahamas appears to have a mix of Bahamian and foreign shareholders, with the equity split weighted 40/60 in favour of the latter. The Companies Registry files list two directors, Mr Beukes and Een Colebrooke, who appears to be a Bahamian. Mr Beukes is now an executive with London-based Aubaine Capital, a boutique investment/finance house that was spun-off from Adurion via management buyout in 2011. Here is where the sh*t hit the fan: Yet a leading waste services provider, Waste Not’s Ginny McKinney, last week slammed the “secrecy” surrounding the Government’s landfill plans and negotiations with Renew Bahamas, suggesting the whole process lacked transparency. Mr Dorsett described these charges as “disingenuous at best”. Dorsett has been pushed to the forefront to fend of the four Bahamian companies and the media. The two questions that were not being answered were WHO OWNED RENEW BAHAMAS? And WHO WAS FINANCING THIS OPERATION BEHIND THE SCENE? Were Davis and Dorsett paid $12 million dollars to secure this deal and keep the actual owner Renew Bahamas a secret? I am just asking. You decide.. Do you all know that theres billions of dollars worth of METHANE fuels beneath city dump? That is why when the dump catches fire it burns so long. The PLP will not tell us this just like the aragonite we got screwed out of now they are trying to do it again right under our noses. Anyway I then decided to do further research on the front man for Renew Bahamas Gerhard Beukes. Who hired him? Who was he fronting this company for? During my exhausting search which took more than two months before I was able to connect the dots one name just kept coming up. Werner Rey. So I had to establish a link between Gerhard Beukes and Werner Rey and it was right there in front of me all the time. I checked Beukes Linkin page and looked over his list of contacts and low an behold Werner Rey was listed right there with no picture. Now my focused turned entirely on Mr. Rey who is a client of Davis & Co. So was Davis & Co. acting on behalf of Werner Rey in forming the company Renew Bahamas immediately following the last general election? Here is why the answer to that question is so very important, after researching Werner Rey I found out that he is a criminal. Once wanted by interpol and arrested here in the Bahamas in the late 1990’s where he fled to avoid going to jail in Switzerland for one of the largest fraud cases in European history? He was captured here in the Bahamas and extradited back to Switzerland. Here it is you read it yourself. Pay close attention to this article because it will confirm the link between Gerhard Beukes and Werner Rey. These are the men behind RENEW BAHAMAS. Davis and Dorsett both knew Mr. Rey’s past thus all the secrecy. Here is the article.. IT is one of the most controversial developments in Andalucian history and for many has become synonymous with corruption and greed. Carved out of virgin woodland in stunning mountain scenery close to Ronda, developers behind the Los Merinos golf scheme became infamous around the world. Ignoring protection orders to pull up thousands of ancient oak trees, they were also accused of ‘mafia’ tactics in the way they dealt with any opposition. Indeed anyone who dared to stand up and criticise the double golf course project – with three luxury hotels and 800 houses built on UNESCO-protected land near Ronda – risked ending up in court. In total, over 12 opponents – including a trio of expatriates – were landed with lengthy and costly legal battles for daring to oppose it. But now a new book proves that they were almost certainly right to stand up. The two-year study by Malaga University’s Department of Criminology concludes that the scheme was most certainly set up illegally. It reveals that the project managed to circumvent the law using large amounts of money and through a string of secretive societies – around 50 in total. “The book is a true gift from the Three Kings,” Juan Terroba from Ecologistas en Acción told the Olive Press. “We hope this incredibly detailed and critical study will finally lead to the end of the project. The authorities must continue to stand up to it.” By following the money trail, the researchers have managed to locate the key individuals behind the string of faceless companies. Most interesting of all, they have revealed that one of Europe’s biggest fraudsters is the lynchpin behind the project. Indeed, it has emerged that secretive foreign financier Werner Kurt Rey, from Switzerland, was the catalyst for the scheme, which was first mooted in the 1980s. But, as the book shows, he was anything but the only big name involved, with others including the brother of former EU boss Javier Solana, as well as the Junta de Andalucia’s former planning svengali Jaime Montaner. The Los Merinos story is ultimately a long and complicated one, but what researchers are now certain of is that the idea was first hatched back in the 1980s. Seeing the project as a fabulous way to make a killing during the property boom, a group of foreign investors got the ball rolling. Appropriately set up in the secretive tax haven of Liechtenstein, The Golf and Country Club Ronda was first created in 1987 by Swiss lawyer Walter Neupert Dietrich. But while Dietrich was the frontman, it was Swiss entrepreneur Rey, who put up the capital. Dubbed in his country as ‘something of a financial acrobat’, the billionaire shot to fame when he emerged from nowhere as the majority shareholder in the shoe company Bally. With hundreds of shops in the UK and around Europe it was a huge money-making operation and throughout the eighties Rey seemed to have the Midas touch with everything he touched turning to gold. He sold the company in a multi-million euro deal in 1988 and started a series of new, but more risky enterprises, a number of them in Eastern Europe following the fall of the wall. Eventually however the Zurich-born former bank clerk took one risk too many and lost everything, owing money to everyone and becoming implicated in the largest corporate fraud in Swiss history. It happened almost in the same month he was listed in Forbes magazine in 1990 as being among the world’s richest men. Credited as being worth a billion dollars, it came as something of a shock to many when his business empire Omni AG suddenly collapsed leaving two billion euros of debt. It caused shockwaves around Switzerland and Rey was accused of embezzlement and fraud. But Rey wasn’t ready for prison and, perhaps predictably, in 1991 fled to the Bahamas, where he was to hide for the next seven years. But not before he had managed to acquire eight million square metres of land near Ronda from Antonio Martin Criado, the then President of Malaga Chamber of Commerce. From then on, there was a ten-year hiatus in proceedings of the planned golf course development, largely it is believed because Rey was abroad. But he was not having everything his way. After a long search, Interpol tracked him down to the Bahamas, where he was put in prison for two years while awaiting extradition. He was finally brought back to Switzerland under an international arrest warrant in 1998 and spent a further two years in prison. My question how can Brave Davis ever be Prime Minister if he continues to surround himself with so many criminal elements? I might call PM Perry Christie lazy and worthless, but atleast he doesn’t surround himself with criminal elements. Christie Should fire Davis and ALL 15 of those MP’s. Several of them know exactly what is going on with Renew Bahamas especially Kenred Dorsett. This country is in a very sad state. This deal is why Christie refuse to relinquish power to Davis. Christie knows as bad as things are now it would be worse under Davis’ leadership.
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 02:23:59 +0000

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