Why you may not have the figure girl body that you really want? - TopicsExpress


Why you may not have the figure girl body that you really want? Over the next two posts I will give four reasons why you may not have achieved what you are trying too in the gym. The aim is to get you, the trainee to take a good look inside yourself to help you discover your own answers. So here is number 4 and 3, with number 1 and 2 posted later today or tomorrow 4. Youre in an unhealthy relationship This one does not take a lot of explaining. Poor relationships lead to long term exposure to stress. And nothing is worse for your body composition than stress. This is not soley limited to romantic relationships. Overbearing parent, an abusive boss or an overly competitive co-worker can all be stressing out your system and causing you to hold onto fat. Cutting out bad relationships may be tough and, for some, may seem to be completely undoable. But make an effort to cut as many toxic people out of your life as possible and you will be happier and much healthier for it. If you do have to have them in your life, reduce your exposure to them as much as possible and put yourself in an air tight happy bubble when they are around. Watch their muck and negativity just bounce off. 3. Youre not working hard enough (I know, hard to hear, but think about it for a couple of minutes) Just because you havent missed a training session in 6 months doesnt mean your are getting everything you can out of your training. If showing up is half the battle, the other 50% is the effort you bring everytime you step in the gym. In fact I would say most people do not have the understanding of what your body is capable of enduring. (Hence one of the reasons coaches and trainers can bring about results and lifts that most peeps dont achieve if training on their own). If you are one of those girls who goes to the gym to jog at 8.0 on an incline treadmill, do yourself a favour. Peer over the top of that Famous magazine you are reading and take a look at the gym floor. You see that girl over there who just pushed her body to the brink in order to complete a brutal modified strongman circuit as a component of her cardio regime (think anabolic redline) and is now splayed out on her back in the corner trying to catch his breath, almost in foetal position. Well shes got much better body composition than you do. This girls..... is not by accident or genetics, that girl is just busting her butt each and every time (or at least 95%) of the time she hits the gym. Training intensity and effort must be established and practised. So today, just ramp up your intensity a bit in your weights or cardio if it suits where you are at in your program at the moment. And when you think you are training hard, lift another 5%!
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 21:11:22 +0000

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