Will Comet ISON set off the Great Warning? First it was named - TopicsExpress


Will Comet ISON set off the Great Warning? First it was named comet of the century when it was discovered late last year. In the middle of this year it was reported that Comet ISON may have already fizzled or dissolved. After many months of believe that the comet may have disintegrated, a latest report and photos from astronomers in early October have shown that comet ISON has entered the inner solar system intact. It was photographed with its blazing tail with all its nucleus intact. It is reported to be currently on course to a rendezvous with the sun on November 28. Should comet ISON survive this close encounter with the sun, expert reports has it that it will brighten up the night sky beginning from early December, gradually it will be seen with naked eyes as it becomes most visible in the northern hemisphere. As of now, its been projected to have its closest encounter with earth come December 26th 2013. Does Comet ISON pose any threat to earth? Sometimes comets travel millions of miles at average 20,000 miles per hour on their journey. At this speed, the fear is always whether any comet discovered poses any threat to earth. Until late October, scientists had always maintained that comet ISON poses no direct threat to earth. However, in the last few days, a certain report and video credited to NASA, has it that the earth will be impacted twice with debris from ISON in January 2014. Despite this prediction, it cannot be stated 100% that things will play out exactly as predicted by astronomers because comets are very tricky. What is the Great Warning? For decades, there has been a strong believe in the catholic circle which was orchestrated by popular catholic seers/visionaries that in the time just before the Great Tribulation of the Antichrist, God will send a Warning to the world and all its inhabitants that He (God) exists. He will use an extraordinary event as in a comet to wake up people of the world to come back to Him for the last time before the deception of the Antichrist commences. This event will reawaken peoples consciences and enable everyone to know what God wants of us. This event is the Great Warning. It will be set off by a comet. The comet will give a sign of the crucified Christ (a giant cross) on the sky. There will be a spiritual dimension to this occurrence as God will open everyones eyes to the truth and what faith is supreme among all the faith and religions on earth. Everyone will have a sense that the evil people are about to control the world with microchip implant. After the Warning, anyone who takes the microchip implant would have already decided his/her eternal destination. The event will allow a lot of people to be pulled out of many deceptions which are being spread by false prophets and religions all around the world. However, after a while, because of the distress which will follow during the Tribulation and the desire for earthly vanity, a lot of people will fall back to errors, sins and false teachings. Has any seer/visionary said Comet ISON will bring the Great Warning. Maria (the Catholic seer I usually like to quote because of her great world events prophecies which came to pass recently, like Pope Benedict resigning etc) has described the Warning in so many messages given to her and those messages have said this Warning is close. But the messages has not said anything about Comet ISON. Her messages said the time of Warning where people will see two suns in the sky in the days leading up to the Warning, is close. Her messages said it will appear as though two suns have collided and the earth will shake, and then people will see a cross in the sky. [I will share some of these messages soon on my wall] John Leary, the most popular catholic seer, in his messages since early this year has maintained said this particular Comet ISON is a sign of the Warning and a bad omen to the world. The messages said there will be a lot of events happening at time of the Warning and the world will be plung into the Great Tribulation within a couple of weeks around the time of the Warning. From the numerous messages, it can be deduced that at about the time of the Warning, world wars will be starting, economies and currencies will be crashing, famine will be starting and lots of gigantic natural disaster happening around the time of the Warning. Also, John Leary messages have always told us the Warning will come in a period coinciding with the American football season which is October to February. The messages have always said it is not a matter of whether we will experience it in our lives, but when. As it is now, it looks to be upon the world and Jesus said we should help ourselves with confession of our sins and repentance as there will be a spiritual dimension that will make people suffer their unforgiven sins in their conscience , even some people will die out of shock. After the Warning, the Antichrist world will start within 6 weeks. The Antichrist and the Antipope (the two headed beasts of Rev 13) will be merging forces to control the world after the Great Warning. I will write more about this soon again. This particular event, the great Warning is not something whether it will happen or not, but only when we will witness it. It is destined to happen in our life time, and very soon now. Peter.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 20:00:48 +0000

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