Wishing for you a very happy Summer Solstice to those of us in the - TopicsExpress


Wishing for you a very happy Summer Solstice to those of us in the northern hemisphere and happy Winter Solstice to those in the southern hemisphere, may this day find you in harmony and meditation, connecting with the mighty SUN, our portal to the universal world and greater space continuum and connecting with each other across this globe, heart to heart, holding hands, FEELING the shift deep within each soul, a fresh impetus, as things up a gear and more and more are standing up, speaking out, UNITING like never before in this new galactic cycle, coming together, whilst also letting go, of all things past that served their purpose in our awakening, to thank and let go off. This is a time of tieing up loose ends, being done with the karmic debt, ushering in our freedoms. It is gathering momentum. The energy frequencies are phenomenal, throwing us about all over the place, shaking us to the core of our being, no longer can a soul on this planet not be touched and awakened, reoriented. IT IS TIME, we are marching forth, determined and dedicated, to make this change, to be done with the old system and structure that served to enslave us. Inside this structure great change is taking place as souls start to realise the part they unwittingly played in keeping us emprisoned and denied our birthright to exercise our own free-will. We have come of age, we are maturing enough to be responsible citizens of earth knowing our connection with space, our galactic families, our soul groups, here and beyond. We are no longer victims and disconnected from source. THE RISE is mighty, and so many many souls now want for 3D the old paradigm to be gone, to be finished already as each comes forth to create a new structure of BEing and DOing. Some stumbling, not knowing how to implement their gifts and talents. We must exercise a little patience as so very many are moving in groups and singularly also to resolve all issues of concerns on this planet. Our food crisis, those waiting with technology to free us up, our air crisis, ALL things are being brought to the surface to be seen, cleansed and cleared, within and without. TOGETHER we are co-creating our future where our seeds will be free from GMO, where our water will be clean and pure once more, where are air is clean. Where our children are nurtured, and educated in all things of the nature and not against it. Where they will be taught the science of the stars and our connection with the universe will no longer be severed when they are schooled. Since they have so recently returned from the universe it is crucial that this connection be empowered and all things universal encouraged. Where their creative gifts are encouraged and their psychic abilities brought forth. This is the age of consciousness and enlightenment. We will be no longer denied our sovereign birthright. A return to blue skies with natural cloud and a four season year. Where our yearly calender is re-adjusted to its natural before the chaotic gregorian calender was introduced, disorientating us. WE are returning to all things natural, going with the flow instead of against it. Waking up from the illusion, the game, the distractions, the lostness, the stumbling about like drunks, indulging in all things against our very nature. The return of innocence. The return of our very highest principles and regard for each other and our beautiful planet. Our trees, our plants, our rivers, our animals, our own very nature, inside and out. A respectfulness to all things. Away from the gross side which took precedence in the age of the fishes. We are done with the rule of force, now comes the cooperation, communion, communication. Exercise great patience at this time, we are hungry for it to be fully implemented already. Steadily we are making progress and rapidly, much has changed already in the first 6 months of this new age, by the end of 2013 we will have made MONUMENTAL strides to become of age. A time where courage, virtue, value, honesty, compassion, prudence, reasonableness reside and all things gross fail away. We are rising into our heart centredness, our supreme 12 part self, the higher being the greater part, 9 part generation, 3 part regeneration. The soul is coming into its fullness, as we enter the stage of mission of the angels, the age of the constellation of aquarius is the age where we have reached our maturity, loving living embodiments of pure essence. Welcome home.. WE ARE born loving, born to love, born to BE love, and remembering our sovereign birthright to be FREE. WELCOME TO THE FUTURE WE HAVE ARRIVED ~bernadetteS~ ♡♡♡
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 05:58:25 +0000

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