With Januarys New Years resolutions in full swing, the common - TopicsExpress


With Januarys New Years resolutions in full swing, the common approach that most people take towards their fitness goals is.... ALL GUNS BLAZING! Join/renew the gym membership, dedicate yourself to hours of cardio each day, weight training, fitness classes, pt, spinning... the list goes on, restricting yourself to rabbit food, or joining motivational weight loss classes in an attempt to drop all the weight or tone up, in essence- putting all the eggs in one basket the first few weeks. Yea you might see results initially, all fuelled by your New Years enthuasim... But inevitably the enthuasim burns out, as does your body, brain and motivation from the unsustainable hours of cardio, weight training, calorie restriction and stress you put yourself through, and once you settle back to NORMAL (what ever that means!) all your commitment, focus and hard work has been for nothing, is reversed and just as fast, youre right back to where you started or even worse off! There is 14weeks between theses 2 pictures. Approx 14lbs fat loss. Getting into shape certainly doesnt happen over night or by chance, by MINDLESS random weight training programmes and endless amounts of cardio, bootcamps and unnecessary calorie or carb restriction. Structure is key. From the get go, with myself and my clients, we set into place an appropriate individualised nutritional plan relevant to your goals, a balanced progressive resistance and cardio programme starting only with what is necessary and that can be sustained in the long term (Random programming will achieve random results!). Keeping track closely, knowing when and how to make the changes necessary not to stagnate or plateau is vital to constantly progress and achieve your goals to get leaner, stronger, fitter... or what ever the case may be. Whats most important in achieving maintainable results, is setting realistic short and long term goals/targets, and designing a structured and balanced training programme in conjunction with a realistic nutrition plan to fuel lifestyle, and optimal performance and recovery from your training. Are you one of those people that no matter what you do, you just cant seem to shift the weight? Have you hit a brick wall with your current training plan? Attend the gym and go through the motions, but realistically youre not sure where to even start? Are you good on youre diet but dont see the results you are hoping for? Have you lost motivation and have accepted that you will never get into shape based on previous failures? Have you wasted your hard earned money on cheep, inexperienced budget personal trainers but have little to show for it?! Have you done all the above and are still not satisfied because of youre lack of results, considering the time and money you have invested in yourself? Or have you got to a certain point on your own and want to take your training to the next level altogether? If youre serious about your training and health, and are ready to invest in actually achieving the goals you set out for yourself, but need the professional guidance and structure to do so. Contact me now for a €50 GIFT VOUCHER off the price of my all ready discounted, 12 personal training session package. This offer is limited to 5 people only. PM for further details or to book an appointment....
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 18:05:04 +0000

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