With all of the forbidding things happening to a handful of cities - TopicsExpress


With all of the forbidding things happening to a handful of cities in California, Michigan (Detroit), Illinois, and now Pennsylvania, including bankruptcies like Detroit among others, concerns about municipal bond holders not getting paid, not to mention $17,900,000,000,000.00 (Trillion) in Federal public debt plus $118,200,000,000,000.00 (Trillion) in UNFUNDED liabilities which are increasing at the rate of ONE TRILLION DOLLARS EVERY month, it seems most likely and all indications are that the U.S. Government is going to expect AND DEMAND by the point of an IRS gun, us Middle Class taxpayers to pay whatever amount required in so-called income withholding taxes or far worse hyperinflation, as may be required to pay for all of the usurpations they have illegally foisted on us through utter constitutional contempt. Contempt which far exceeds those eighteen only enumerated powers, size, scope and spending which WE THE PEOPLE granted them as listed under Article I Section 8, of The Constitution, pursuant to the 9th and 10th Amendments, for the privilege of serving us. Should We The People, as God’s sovereign rulers in America, allow them to continue this absolute lawlessness, we shall surely become taxation slaves working for virtually nothing as serfs with no individual Rights and the light of freedom snuffed out. We, by divine providence of our God, who ordained We The People as the rulers and governing authorities of our Republic on the very day when He delivered our first world super power empire government into our farmer Militia hands at the miracle of Yorktown, have a duty to do to Him and our Republic. Objects of the most stupendous magnitude, , , measures which will affect the lives of millions, born and unborn, , , are now before us. But we must always remember that a free Constitution of civil government cannot be fully restored to its full force, affect, meaning, spirit and intent, on our Federal and State Government elected and non-elected public servants, at too dear a rate, for there is nothing, on this side of Jerusalem, of greater importance to mankind. Many amongst us give a grim prognostication of our national future. But where they see apocalypse, I see hope. I see a renewed nation, ready to reinstate its place in the world. Not an empire, not a “representative Democracy” of Socialist mob voting rule, but a Republic of OUR Constitutional law upon our public servants. Laws which limit them to eighteen enumerated powers and spending privileges, as guaranteed to each one of our home Countries, which form “a more perfect Union” (Preamble of The Constitution) of fifty free, independent and sovereign States, under Article IV Section 4 “a Republican form of Government”, of The Constitution; as all other powers and spending are “reserved to the States, respectively, or the people” in accord with our Tenth Amendment supreme law of the land. I am not without apprehensions, Ladies and Gentlemen, but the end we have in sight, the full restoration, force and affect of our laws which We The People “ordained and established” on our Federal Government, “to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity”, especially but not limited to the 9th and 10th Amendments and the money clauses of Article I Sections 8 clause 5 and especially 10 clause 1, is worth all the means. God Bless You, Patriots and may God, through us as His ordained rulers, guardians and higher powers of the Holy light of Liberty, We The People, Save Our/His American States! To remember who We are, watch the attached video: youtu.be/13jLQ_-3c8o And then JOIN; SOLIDARITY for Ninth and TENTH Amendments COALITION to restore the RULE of OUR Constitutional laws upon our elected Republican and Democrat usurpers and their hired alphabet soup of Federal agency thugs and tyrants: https://facebook/events/1464895897101312/ - Capt. Karl
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 07:45:17 +0000

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