With all of the people overdosing, you may run into this situation - TopicsExpress


With all of the people overdosing, you may run into this situation with someone you know or family, there have been about 6 deaths in the past few days and roughly 20 calls in so many days for overdoses in Erie alone.... PLEASE LIKE & SHARE! This information can save a life! WHAT TO DO IF SOMEONE OVERDOSES ON HEROIN: Symptoms of a Heroin overdose include but are not limited to: muscle spasticity slow and labored breathing shallow breathing stopped breathing (sometimes fatal within 2-8 minutes) pinpoint pupils dry mouth cold and clammy skin tongue discoloration bluish colored fingernails and lips spasms of the stomach and/or intestinal tract constipation weak pulse low blood pressure drowsiness disorientation coma delirium DOs If someone that you are with overdoses: Try to pinch them on the ear or your nail into the bed of theirs and also try to rub their sternum (breastplate). If they react then they are still alert. If they do not: PHONE an ambulance. Say you have an unconscious person and they will come straight away. If nalaxone is available use it but beware when the awake they will be in violent withdrawals and will most likely need hospital treatment. Beware that they may come around and 20 minutes later the narcan has wore off they can collapse again. Put them into the recovery position and check their airways to make sure they have no swallowed their tongue or have been sick and this is blocking their airway. Check their pulse and see if they are breathing. If they have stopped breathing give them mouth to mouth (if you know how) or if their pulse has stopped try to restart their heart by giving CPR. Stay with them if you do this until the ambulance arrives and notify the crew what they have taken. DONTs Do not inject them with a stimulant as this will only make matters worse it will not liven them up. Do not inject them with salt or saline solution as this is also ineffective. Also injecting milk is also a complete waste of time. Do not kick them or do anything else to hurt them physically. Pinching the ears is just as good to see if they are alert. Do not dump them in a cold bath. This can lead to shock.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 02:48:16 +0000

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