With all of this Illegal Immigration issue going on, I have - TopicsExpress


With all of this Illegal Immigration issue going on, I have pondered this thought. Yes!! America was founded on Immigration , with our ancestors coming from Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and other countries during the 1700 and 1800s. They came to found a country that would be built on Christian morals and values. Knowing that it would not be easy, but were willing to work to make it successful. Most of them with just the clothes on their back and little or no money. What we are getting with Illegal Immigration, is a group of people being encouraged to come, they will be given welfare at the expense of taxpayers, and probably will not be working too hard to learn any kind of a trade. The news is reporting that people are being offered $6,000 a month to house these people. I would just like to ask this. How many of you can say that you have an income of $6,000. a month? Im all for helping the less fortunate---but not at the expense of what the American Citizens have worked for all their lives, and some of the Veterans and elderly not getting the health care they need. Thats my Vent for the Day!!!
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 18:57:02 +0000

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