With permission: David Shinn (PNA President) BOY SCOUT HILL - TopicsExpress


With permission: David Shinn (PNA President) BOY SCOUT HILL RESTAURANT UPDATE A week ago I had coffee with both Rick Kopf and Lyle Burgin, the two gentlemen who have proposed a restaurant at Boy Scout Hill. I ask Misty Ventura to join me representing the PNA because of her knowledge about zoning and the intricacies of projects like this. I also thought, if this moved forward, it would be important she understand, from the inception, what this was about, who these guys are, and what they were asking for. As always, many thanks need to go to Misty for her willingness to devote time and expertise to help the PNA. Here’s my take. - I liked both guys. They’re nice, credible, and sincere - Combined, professionally, they have both the fiscal clout and political clout to get something like this done - They shared that they would continue on meeting with groups for the next 3 -4 months to gauge feedback - But these guys are realists, and as they stated, “If we think there will be people picketing when we start construction we won’t do it.” - I didn’t get the sense that either of them has the stomach for a long protracted confrontation with the grassroots. But back to this a little later…. - My sense is they are receiving significant negative push-back as they go out into the community - They did share some basic conceptual sketches with us and I will say, if our politicians overruled the grassroots and deemed this was a great thing to do, these guys are the type group that I’d want to do it. They’re thoughtful, sensitive to the surrounding environment, have good project track records, and have really good design sensibility. And that’s what makes them scary….. - Their thoughts are a low slung structure somewhat built into the hillside that would mirror existing WRLP construction and protect sightlines from Mockingbird - The restaurant itself would be 8,500 sq ft of air conditioned space with an additional 5,000 sq ft of outdoor patio area - Based on code they’d need 150 – 175 parking spaces for customers and employees - While they claim they’d take just 2 acres, in fact they would need to control (restaurant, outdoor patio, parking, streets in/ out, “buffer” land) probably 5 acres. Boy Scout Hill is approximately 17 acres. - Parking would be buffered from the Mockingbird/Buckner intersection, terraced, landscaped and include a decomposed granite parking surface - Curb cuts from Mockingbird and the Buckner service road would provide access to parking - Approximately 350 linear feet of roadway might be required from curb cuts to parking area. - No event venue is anticipated, but group dining for between 30 and 50 people could be accommodated - Liquor would be served - Right now I’d give them 5% chance of moving forward UNLESS….. - As well we know, there are groups within City Hall, City Council, and Park Board that want to find ways to make White Rock Lake Park generate revenue, and that means our side of the Lake - If someone like Mayor Mike decides to take the political flack and shield these guys, percentage of success moves up significantly - If Sheffie decides this would be a great legacy to leave the City and combined with Mayor Mike, City staff, and Park Board decides that before the next City Council race this might provide a “last chance opportunity” for a restaurant at the Lake chances go up really significantly - Remember, these guys are credible, theyre good at what they do. They present well as nice, thoughtful, sincere guys. Theyd be easy to sell, as would be their professional and public track records. So, my suggestion for best course of action – keep high visibility pressure on all media, Council Members, and Mayor Mike about the depth and strength of the grassroots desire to protect White Rock Lake Park from any and all new commercial development. Write them all letters, send them emails, call their offices.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 19:06:28 +0000

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