With so many holiday, weddings, events revolving around food and - TopicsExpress


With so many holiday, weddings, events revolving around food and cocktails, its easy to add on the extra pounds in November and December. Its no surprise that holiday weight gain is one of our top dreaded things about the holidays, with 1/3 of Indians already battling weight problems. The weight gained during the holidays has become the unwanted, un-returnable gift that keeps on giving. But holiday weight gain doesnt have to be your destiny. Here are six strategies for balancing the seasons indulgences with healthy choices. 1. Stick to a Routine as Best You Can. Having a solid plan in place, even if you veer off track a little, is a great strategy to stay healthy through the season. Get active at least four times a week, and include protein with your breakfast — both will give your metabolism a boost that lasts all day. 2. Exercise in the Morning. There are two times of day that we have the most control over our schedule - right when we wake up and just before we go to sleep. Everything in between can get blurred with life and make it difficult to stick to plans. Getting your workout done early in the day ensures nothing comes between you and your exercise routine. Even just a quick, 15-minute workout or walk will increase your energy levels for the day. 3. Keep Portions in Check. It isn’t always what you eat, but how much of it that can keep you from staying healthy over the holidays. Be sensible about your portions. A simple way to reduce your portion sizes is to use a smaller plate. If there is less room on the plate, you’ll be eating less food overall. Eating slowly and enjoying the company of others while dining will give you something else to focus on besides food. And of course, avoid going back for seconds. 4. Bring Healthy Treats to the Party. The minute someone invites you to a gathering, offer to bring a dish. While this may not be an option for every gathering, its always worth offering. This way you know the menu will include at least one waist-friendly dish. 5. Eat! Dont make the mistake of not eating all day when you have a dinner party or event that night. Instead, stick to small, nutrient-dense meals throughout the day, including greens, lean protein, fruit and a bit of healthy fats. This ensures you get the fuel you need without going overboard come dinnertime. The same thing goes for skipping meals the day after the event if you had a few too many treats. Dont do it! If you overindulged, dont stress about it. Let go of any negative feelings, move on and just make healthier choices next time. 6. Stay Hydrated. If your body is dehydrated it cannot function properly, and it give you false hunger cues. Its easy to forget to drink the water your body needs with all the holiday bustle, and particularly when the weather outside is chilly. But your body needs half its body weight in ounces daily -- if you weigh 150 pounds, get at least 75 ounces of water each day. For any Further assistance Call me Healthy Regards, Pankti Jhonsa Kamani Consulting Nutritionist l Fitness Expert Clinics: JUHU I GHATKOPAR I CHEMBUR Website: benourished.in Email: [email protected] Mobile: + 91 - 9821128682 The family that eats healthy together, stays healthy together.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 08:32:35 +0000

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