With the DA still reeling from the recent successes of General - TopicsExpress


With the DA still reeling from the recent successes of General Jeremy Vearey against gangsterism in the Cape High Court and the exposure over the weekend of that alleged infamous email from the DA’s JP Smith, it appears that the DA has, over some time, been mounting a calculated attack on our MK cadres, specifically Brigadier Andre Lincoln and General Jeremy Vearey. An email has surfaced where it is alleged that the DA’s Councillor, JP Smith tells MEC Dan Plato, quote “I therefore believe that as MEC you should launch an investigation into the ineffiency (sic) and incompetence by Gen. Veary... and The ongoing abuse of by this rogue SAPS member unquote. I was physically present in the Wynberg Regional Court in the late 90’s when I overheard a crass comment about Brig Lincoln being passed by a very pale white woman representing the then DP. She and, by default, the DP/DA had already passed judgment while the trial was still in progress! She knows what she said but the DP/DA’s words on that day came back to haunt them when Brig Lincoln had every single conviction overturned against him in the High Court a decade later. Since then, the DA has gone to ground and have conveniently failed to comment on two very important issues: the millions of rand in wasted legal costs that apartheid remnant, Leonard Knipe had cost the State due to his illegal arrest of Brig Lincoln as well as my file on corruption involving that UK imbecile, Mark Thatcher and some very senior, very pale white commissioned police officers. (Remember Thatcher and the attempted coup in Equatorial Guinea? Yep, same guy). Brig Lincoln was on the verge of exposing the Mafia and its links to some white cops and my file on Thatcher blew wide open his involvement with corruption and a money lending scheme being run from inside the Wynberg Police Station. A very weak attempt was then made to frame me which involved a plan to break into the safe of the Station Commander and steal my staff Reservist file. But that’s another story for another day…. Back to Genl Vearey and his Operation Combat Unit who are not only making waves among Gangs on the Cape Flats but also amongst the DA who, through their local idiot, JP Smith, have announced a grand counter plan to launch the City’s own Metro Police Gang Unit (with absolutely no investigative powers). I sincerely hope that the street wise voters on the Cape Flats are taking note of the way the DA is trying by hook or by crook to confuse and manipulate them – there is no need for another Gang Unit. Genl Vearey is doing well enough with Operation Combat as well as his street committees, much to the bitter disappointment of the DA. To put this whole scenario into context of Genl Vearey not only having to put hardened criminals away but also to defend himself against the axis of evil (i.e., the DA), I thought I would share a letter that I penned to the press about two years ago which throws some light on Vearey’s background and his particular interest in stemming the tide of gang violence against the continual backdrop of DA interference - Quote: “MEC Dan Plato recently accused the ANC of plotting with gangs to destabilise our province in a bid to wrestle control from the DA. He has also called for the specialised gang unit to be reinstated. The current untenable situation on the Cape Flats has a long history which cannot be ignored. The apartheid regime, under the guise of the old National Party, was at the forefront of banishing people of colour to the desolate Cape Flats in pursuance of their dream of a “whites only” country. The Cape Flats very soon became a gangland as a direct result of the nationalist policies forced upon our people. Plato is a member of the Democratic Alliance, a political party that was formed in 2000 through the merger of the Democratic Party and the (New) National Party. When the new South Africa was born in 1994, one of the first problems encountered by the Police was the merging of the “old guard” i.e. cops who served under the apartheid regime and the new cadres of the ANC’s security branch. One of the ANC cadres was Jeremy Veary, currently a Major-General and a decorated former Umkhonto we Sizwe Commander. Vearey is the same Officer who exposed the corrupt activities of certain apartheid era policemen linked to the infamous top-secret D Section when he led the Operation Slasher unit (source: IOL). He also played a pivotal role in arresting the convicted Heldeberg rapist, Johannes Mouwers, who terrorised that community for a number of years. As some of us embraced the new South Africa, General Veary, through no fault of his own, became embroiled in an ugly spat with then Provincial Police Commissioner, Lennit Max, who is a current DA MP. Veary was appointed as the Commander of the Operation Slasher unit, launched to probe 1500 unsolved gang-related murders and attempted murders. He was on the verge of exposing wholesale corruption in the very gang unit that Plato wants reinstated when disciplinary proceedings were instituted against him via the office of former Commissioner, Lennit Max, who is now Plato’s political colleague. According to Veary, members of the gang investigating unit withdrew cases by lying and making misrepresentations, they lost exhibits and necessary evidence, neglected to send forensic and ballistic evidence away for analysis for up to two years and more, or closed dockets without reason. He added that those in command covered up all of this instead of taking steps against those responsible. Veary further claimed that the dockets revealed widespread corruption and gross negligence in the investigation of gang-related crimes of murder and attempted murder, because he conducted the initial investigation leading to the creation of the Slasher team and had overseen its work. This evidence may well be the only proof available to show the nature and extent of corruption and gross negligence in relation to gang-related crimes in the Western Cape. I have seen evidence of the alteration of documents, of the falsification of charges against members of the SAPS and of attempts to cover up acts of corruption. I have no doubt that steps will be taken to tamper with the documents if they are not preserved, Veary said. As a consequence of Veareys investigation, the gang unit was disbanded and the Slasher team created to take over the dockets which had not been attended to properly and prosecute them to finality. After the Slasher team took over the gang investigating units work, 327 suspects in 236 cases were arrested” (source: IOL). Veary was eventually removed from the Operation Slasher Unit which was then closed down. It is most unfortunate that the only victims in this political soap opera are the residents of the Cape Flats. Plato is misguided by calling for the re-establishment of the gang unit given that the office of his own colleague (Max) had initiated disciplinary proceedings against Veary, one of the Cape’s most decorated Officers who was on the verge of exposing the rot of police corruption. Our residents must not allow themselves to be used as political fodder by those who claim to represent their interests. If Plato is serious about doing his job, he can start by refusing to give a public audience to gang leaders. He also does not have to “take over anything” – his office has an oversight role only and has no jurisdiction over the police service. He either works with local police management or must resign and hand the reigns over to someone else who is prepared to solve the gang problem without using the victims of the Cape Flats to score political points”. Colin Arendse Cape Argus July 2012 WOP
Posted on: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 05:48:36 +0000

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