With the existence of life, the planets, universe, and galaxy, we - TopicsExpress


With the existence of life, the planets, universe, and galaxy, we seek to come to terms with a possible starting point. It is this idea of a starting point that points to the existence of a higher power. Creating something from nothing is a supernatural event. Due to not having an origin, any theory for the creation of the universe starts with gods hand. God populating the earth is more likely than originating from a common more rudimentary organism. Thinking about god is just thinking about the origin of anything in your perception of reality. It’s your shirt, your tv, your car, your couch, the air you breathe. Paper to the factory, factory to the tree, tree to the seed, seed to the tree, tree to the seed, to infinite? Try it with anything and everything. We all believe in it being supernatural, but it’s a deity because it can’t be a single action. The origin of plant life; the possible evolution of plant life; the origins of the seeds. The existence of every species that requires a model and to be fed in the early stages of development can be said to defy logic in the sense of being first to go through infancy; a change from a rudimentary single celled organism to a capable host producing intelligent life forms. We must consider how the multitude of species that populate the earth survived their first infancy. This is the most fragile period in a life. If we evolved to grow more resilient, then why are infants so fragile and dependent? The development of the need for food and oxygen and vitamins and minerals. Food broken down to smallest molecules without a way to break them down or absorb them. The existence of a digestive system preceding the musculoskeletal system? A possible shift from self- sufficiency to reliance on a nurturing parent may point to a regression in evolutionary change. What would spurn this nurturing behavior? A shift from self-sufficiency when thinking of self-fertilization and reproduction would seem to be a likewise regressionary change. The initiation of intercourse as a means of reproduction seemingly represents an insensately change that would require male and female members of each species to have developed and changed simultaneously. By observing mammals who reproduce in this manner held in captivity, we have not seen a switch back to self-fertilization as a survival mechanism. How can we say we evolved from limited genetic material when it must of resulted in significantly more than 17.4 million different reactions with the same material? Were not looking for a few environmental changes, including males and females, were looking for 17.4 million different environmental changes. An environmental change is any effect by anything outside of our original form of life. Bacteria,viruses, high pressure, radiation. Belief of evolution is the idea that non cognitive organisms and non-cognitive environmental factors could fuse into a cognitive life form. How do we get from non-cognitive life to cognitive life? What outside force could have created our emphatic differences? We must consider the most likely possibility that these changes never occurred. The idea of rudimentary beginnings to life on the planet, does not address these simple questions of logical feasibility of the theory. The complexity of genetic codes of current species, display a plenitude of marked differences between every example of cognitive life on the planet. There also exists a differentiation of members of the same species. What outside force could have created our emphatic differences? As time goes by we’ll learn more and more about each species genetic map. We search for and find similarities, but we should be focusing on the differences. A regressionary change decreases resilience, so how can we call them environmental changes. An attempt was made to come up with a scientific explanation of our existence, but the big bang theory cant in any way come close to explaining the origins of the building blocks of our reality. The big bang didn’t conquer origin, it was a reaction amongst building blocks that already existed. Creating something from nothing is a supernatural event. There’s a higher power any way you slice it. With that knowledge and the logical flaws in the theories of evolution, gods hand is evident. Something gave us our existence; there can never be a scientific explanation.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 18:18:17 +0000

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