With the passing of so many of our veterans and the remembering of - TopicsExpress


With the passing of so many of our veterans and the remembering of D Day, I want to reference the word, heritage. Heritage is a legacy, something that is acquired from a predecessor. Many construe that to mean primarily money. It can imply property or money; but deeper and more importantly, it is something passed by a persons character. (thats the gospel according to me). :) I was blessed to be raised in a home where your word was a contract. I was raised in a home where discipline was expected; Where correction was understood to be for your own good and protection...where respect for others was paramount. Where the golden rule was lived out. That, I believe was passed down as a heritage from what Tom Brokaw called the Greatest Generation. It was those people who grew up in the great depression and then went on to fight in World War II and those who were productive on the home front for the war effort. They put others before themselves. They believed in the greater good. They sacrificed and they sacrificed. We cannot take back what they lost in war....whether their own lives, the lives of their friends, or time with their family. We can, however, make an agreement with ourselves to gain from them. We can claim their example as part of our heritage, too. They lived out, hard work, dedication and commitment. May we do the same, all the days of our lives. And pass it on to our children and grandchildren and great grandchildren and great, great....much good will come from that agreement. These men were given an assignment. They gave their lives for that contract. In Gen. 15:1 Abram heard this from The Lord, Do not be afraid, Abram, I am your shield, your very great reward. Thank You God for being the Reward and the Rewarder. We thank You for the sacrifices that these dear men and women made on our behalf. Thank You for rewarding them with more accolades than we could ever dream of. Amen. PS. RIP Dad. One year ago today, you reached your final destination. We love you.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 18:13:17 +0000

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