With the time change coming this weekend we would like everyone to - TopicsExpress


With the time change coming this weekend we would like everyone to take a few moments out of their busy schedule and think about the common safety devices in their homes and businesses that get overlooked on a daily basis. You always hear to change your batteries and test your smoke detectors when you change your clocks every year. But do you have working smoke detectors? Are they properly placed throughout your house? Do you have carbon monoxide detectors and fire extinguishers? We have seen all of these devices work and save lives and property in our district, even with in the past few weeks. These devices are not expensive and can really pay off when needed and used properly. Go over all of this equipment with your family at home, or with your coworkers at the workplace and make sure everyone knows what to do because seconds really do count in an emergency. Safety is one of those things that is hard to take serious until you see something bad happen, and at that moment it is not the best time to try and figure out what to do. Have a plan of action. Planning ahead and having training and experience on what to do, even in the simplest accident or emergency, has never failed anyone. There is nothing we love more than to pull up on a structure fire and hear smoke detectors or the fire alarm going off and see all of the occupants standing outside safe! If you have any questions about the operation of any of the equipment mentioned, or placement of detectors and fire extinguishers, or you would just like to talk to someone more in depth about what you could do to prepare yourself and your loved ones for an emergency, please feel free to contact us either on here, by phone (618-548-1800), or get a hold of any of our firefighters that you may know. We really want to make a positive difference in the community and do as much as we can to help keep everyone safe. Thank you all for taking the time to read this, and please help us out by sharing this post and information with all of your friends. No hard feelings, but we really hope that we dont have to see any of you in the near future! Stay safe everyone!!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 13:52:07 +0000

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