Without inspectors generals, top government agencies have no - TopicsExpress


Without inspectors generals, top government agencies have no watchdog to make sure they aren’t misspending our money - like the Department of Housing and Urban Development did when they misspent $700 million on the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. A lack of inspectors general positions at the International Development (USAID) and the departments of Defense, Homeland Security, Interior, Labor and State has caused 16 senators to co-sign a letter urging Obama to fix this problem. SHARE if you agree these agencies must be regulated! washingtonpost/opinions/obama-should-appoint-agency-watchdogs-now/2013/06/27/18e9a2be-dea7-11e2-b2d4-ea6d8f477a01_story.html
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 20:05:09 +0000

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