Woman, I have news. She pinged me. The message was followed by at - TopicsExpress


Woman, I have news. She pinged me. The message was followed by at least ten smileys. What is it? Ability to suppress curiosity has never been one of my virtues. Ahh, patience, sweetheart, patience. As I said, will tell you later. Goodnight. she logged off, leaving a frowning me staring at the laptop. Well, either she is dating someone or she has been offered an awesome job. I thought to myself. Or is it? I was suddenly reminded of the number of conversations I have had with friends in last one year which started with similar words, I have got news. And the news has been diverse, ranging from engagement to childbirth; from joining the dream job to starting up of new venture; from risking of stability for the sake of passion to moving to a new country. The news is not as evident as it used to be in our teenage days , because truly the happenings of our lives have become unexpected. The circumstances may be unsettling, the surroundings may be trying but undeniably, the times are exciting and liberating. It is that phase of life when we re-discover ourselves, fathom to certain extent the purpose of our lives and take life-altering decisions that define the course of our lives. True, we may all miss the innocence and comfort of childhood. feel a little unprepared to handle the sudden change but undoubtedly, it is the age when we have all the liberty we used to dream of as teenager, the independence of shaping our lives and the energy to fulfil our dreams. Hence, almost every fortnight I get a phone call bursting with some unexpected news, each bearing the hope of a better life and the thrill of exciting times.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 16:42:28 +0000

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