"Women Against the Military Coup" The Movement Founding - TopicsExpress


"Women Against the Military Coup" The Movement Founding Statement The Egyptian people have experienced dark days of tyranny and corruption for a very long time during the time of the ousted despot Mubarak. In those days Egyptians have suffered from a continuous aggression on freedoms and human rights, pervasive corruption was everywhere, elections were continuously rigged, Mubarak stood against the will of the Egyptian people. So, the Egyptian people stood up and rose for their freedom, and the Egyptian women were in the forefront of the 25th January revolution, we all loudly chanted (عيش، حرية، عدالة اجتماعية) "bread, freedom, social justice", we marched in the streets peacefully to reclaim our stolen freedom, to set up democracy, and uphold the will of the people. Women have extensively participated in all forms of political struggle including the elections and the strikes so that we can consolidate a clear democratic path, all this was clear to the entire world. After the revolution we held a presidential election under the supervision of the army and the police, the judiciary and all law activists inside Egypt and abroad. President Mohamed Morsi won in a free and transparent election monitored by the whole world, He swore the oath before all the Egyptians in a wonderful democratic scene exhilarating the crowds of Egyptians aspirants to true freedom and true democracy. In the post of the legitimate President Mohamed Morsi, the Egyptian women received the due care. Laws were issued, panels and talks were held to thoroughly discuss the future of the women in Egypt. Women were in the first lines looking for a way to achieve the aims of the revolution of and retribution for the martyrs, however the remnants of the old oppressing, tyrannical, and corrupt regime have all conspired with all the beneficiaries of corruption to kidnap the revolution, rape our dreams, and overthrow all the achievements of the revolution. They created illusive problems like the fuel and gas problems, just to tarnish the image of the glorious revolution of January 25th and to cover up the achievements of President Morsi, all these problems just ended overnight after the coup. We, the women of Egypt, denounce this bloody coup that is against the will of the people, and against all the democratic values. Hence, our movement, "Women against the military coup", stresses its complete defiance to the illegitimate and nondemocratic military coup and announces its bias to the Egyptian people, who embraced democracy. We stand for the will of the people, today the constitutional legitimacy and the revolutionary legitimacy are forged into one name: Anti-Coup. We also boldly denounce and condemn all the criminal and brutal acts by the fascist putschists against the prostraters in front of the republican guard premises killing more than a hundred peaceful protester including five children and nine women and more than a thousand wounded people, and all the crimes committed by Al-Sisi and the traitor Supreme Council of the Armed Forces military killing youth, women and children in a disgusting massacre condemned by all international human rights charters and conventions. Those are crimes against humanity and are accountable under the international human law. Our movement holds Al-Sisi completely responsible of the blood of peaceful unarmed Egyptian freedom defenders, especially the blood of women and children, which were spilled in the streets by his personal orders. Finally, we stress the peacefulness of our revolution and our insistence on continuing our efforts until the return of the legitimate elected president Dr. Mohamed Morsi, with all of his powers and authorities as a president. Our Facebook Page: https://facebook/WomenAntiCoup Contact persons: The Movement Coordinator: Maha Abu Ezz 01066670588 The Media Coordinator: Aya Alaa 01001081129
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 14:55:57 +0000

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