Women, one of my wishes as a young g man was “To be surrounded - TopicsExpress


Women, one of my wishes as a young g man was “To be surrounded by beautiful women!” I have been blessed in every aspect of my life to have so many women who depend on and trust in me that I feel as if I have been touched by God in some way, shape or form and; just now noticing I guess you can say. You see I sit back some times and am just in Awe on the intuition that they have instinctively. As if they are born with the ability to see into another’s sole, mind and heart. Only if I can figure out how women do that! You see man around the world rarely talk openly about a conclusion to which most of them have come. It is simply that men – epically married men – are in awe of a woman’s ability to size up a person they have just met is worthy of more than a handshake. Most men quietly believe that complicated trials would be over in minutes if the legal system would simply ban men from jury duty. With women in charge, men assert, court dockets around the world could be cleared in a matter of days. If twelve ladies were positioned in the jury box, the bailiff could trot out the accused for a few handshakes, a bit of small talk, and not five minutes would pass before the women would know with certainty whether to free the unjustly accused or send that dirt bag to jail. Either way justice would be swift and true. Men envy the gift of discernment their wives possess, but they are often confused by their conclusions. For the uninitiated (a new husband), the presentation of a conclusion by his wife can be maddening. “What do you think?” the man might ask after having introduced his wife to that evening to their new investment counselor. “Chuck is a great guy isn’t he?” “No” the woman replies. “He is not a great guy, and there is no way in the world you are letting him anywhere near our money.” Women have the ability to peer deep into us, however no matter how much men protest, we are all truly in awe! You see I have never been a really good writer; I have never been really good at anything creative but I have always wanted to be extraordinary - a thinker outside of the box - tinkering on things that most people give up on. And for some reason that I will explain I have been opened up by the women in my life in so many ways that lately I find myself every time I talk to them stopping in mid conversation and just say “Thank You” which is always met with “for what?” You see women as insightful as they are never take men for understanding as they can be a “dim lot” eventually understand and embrace the natural wisdom that they are blessed by their women. By most satisfaction wife’s hearing with one statement: “Honey you was right!” So today I am sitting at a beautiful park, sipping a cup of joe, reading a spiritual book and typing this story. And I am doing all of this because of the wonderful and awesome women in my life. Thanks for God I am surrounded by women and I am sure that there are more women headed into my life to keep me on my toes!
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 15:03:08 +0000

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