Womens Day ??? Whatever happened to Mens Day ??? We are the ones - TopicsExpress


Womens Day ??? Whatever happened to Mens Day ??? We are the ones deprived here.....isnt it guys ?? But jokes apart.... Do I think there should be a Womens Day or not ? Absofrigginlutely. In fact..... I think I speak on behalf of all men when I say that life would be really sick, boring and perverted without women in this world or any other. On the contrary..... given the recent increase in blatant and criminal acts of violation of womens dignity and rights..... I think its high time this day is blown to the proportion where not only a few people or a certain strata of the society recognizes and celebrates it..... where it becomes part of everyones calendar. I wished Happy Womens Day to a lady today who works in the housekeeping staff of my current company....while she was cleaning the center table in the reception area. She looked up.... dint even give a smile and then went back to her chores. And I know of some lady friends of mine who are going out for a dinner tonight to celebrate this day. When I compare this with a Diwali or a Durga Puja or an Independence Day or for that matter even Holi. Heck....even Valentines Day is celebrated by more people from different segments of the society than Womens Day. Like the women in our lives.... even this day is taken for granted. I believe that should not be the case. Blow it out of proportion. Every strata of the society celebrates a Durga puja or a Diwali or a Holi or an Independence Day and is aware and conscious of it. Even the poorest of families do something special on these days. Even the criminals I believe celebrate these days. Its become a tradition. It is my belief that if we wanna stop these incidents of eve teasing, molestation, rape, torture in the hands of in-laws and husband etc. that we hear about every other day..... not only do we need to put more control in place and drive fear of punishment..... but more importantly create that awareness. Imagine a day when all segments and strata of society celebrates this one day in the year when Women are given their due respect and treated like deities that they in all fairness are...... when even the family living on the roadside slum does something special for the woman of the house on this day.....when even the most criminal of people pay respects to the women in their lives. That day...... I strongly believe.... these violations will cease. Cos this one day of celebration leaves its impact on the entire year. One day of celebrating a Durga Puja reinstates our faith in the allmighty. One day of celebrating an Independence Day re instills our patriotism for the entire year. So one day of celebrating Womens Day in the same fervor will ensure they are treated and respected the way they should be for the entire year.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 10:32:16 +0000

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