Word of advice: If you or your kid considers joining the military - TopicsExpress


Word of advice: If you or your kid considers joining the military to serve their country in a war, you better hope the Republicans arent in charge of the country, because if you become a POW, they will try you on Fox News and judge you to be unworthy of rescue. Maybe it will be based on hearsay, maybe it will be to retaliate against the Democrats as pay back for winning an election, or maybe it will be because of the length of your Dads hair, but the Republicans will leave you behind! They will judge you to be guilty before you even return home or stand trial. But rest assured, the Republicans will leave you behind. All I can say is I would never consider serving a country that would leave me, or my kid, behind as a POW. The Republicans have become the most shameful part of America. How can they even pretend they care about our servicemen and women ? Clearly and sadly, they do not! Thank goodness we have a True American in President Obama who understands we must always bring our soldiers home. Even if this man turns out to be a traitor, he still deserves a fair trial, and not the Fox-court of Conservative puppets who have painted him as a villain without even knowing the facts. I am so thoroughly disgusted with todays Republican Party. So embarrassed for our once great nation, because of these haters. They have really just gone too far! They truly disgust me!
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 01:33:42 +0000

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