Working hard without setting goals can leave you feeling like a - TopicsExpress


Working hard without setting goals can leave you feeling like a wheel spinning to nowhere. Goal setting allows you to motivate yourself and decide what you are going to achieve. Your goals can either be long term goals or short term goals. Either will allow you to focus and organize yourself to make the best of yourself. First, create a big picture of what you want to accomplish and then set smaller target goals that will help you achieve this. When setting goals be realistic and specific. This will ensure you are able to stick to your plan. Allow yourself time to achieve your goal. Not all goals can be accomplished overnight. Commit to your goal and don’t get discouraged along the way. If you have more than one goal, be sure to prioritize your goals so that you don’t end up feeling overwhelmed. However, do set deadlines for your goals. This will give you something to work towards. Even the accomplishment of a minor goal is cause for celebration. Don’t get hung up with thoughts about all you still have to do. Then move on to the next milestone. A useful way of making goals more powerful is to use the SMART mnemonic. SMART stands for: S– Specific (or Significant). M– Measurable (or Meaningful). A– Attainable (or Action-Oriented). R– Relevant (or Rewarding). T– Time-bound (or Trackable). You can be successful in 2014, just set a goal! “People with goals succeed because they know where they are going” Earl Nightingale. This article was written by Heather Eavers, CRCS-I, P, Reimbursement Analyst/Charge Master Specialist, Augusta Health, member of the Virginia chapter . Thanks Heather!
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 21:30:00 +0000

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