Working on Extreme Military Fitness - Elite Program Guide to - TopicsExpress


Working on Extreme Military Fitness - Elite Program Guide to accompany the video portion, here is an excerpt from the Intro: I once attended a seminar where different training methods and the concepts of bulking up and cutting weight were being discussed. I made a comment about how when we train for strength we naturally tend to put on more muscle as our body adapts to this training stimulus and when we focus on conditioning we naturally tend to lean out. Form follows function. Simple as that! I then remembered a line from Mike Mahler that most Strength and Conditioning Manuals coming out today should be re-named Conditioning and MORE Conditioning Manuals, because they lack any true strength development, they just keep jacking up the conditioning with more burpees and High Intensity circuits. Finally, I remembered a conversation with Bud Jeffries where he is talking about doing sprawls for five minutes (brutal!) and how he works on strength and conditioning at the same time. In fact, I specifically remembered the ad copy for his book I Will Be Iron where Pavel Tsatsouline expresses his disbelief at seeing him perform feats of strength and then hitting the heavy bag furiously for one hour. Of course this lead to development of Third Wave Cardio where you swing a heavy Kettlebell for 1,000 reps. As these three influences were swimming around in my mind I got the desire to design a program that made you STRONG AND CONDITIONED at the same time. For strength I would focus on heavy double Kettlebell work like Mike Mahler does, for conditioning I would incorporate MMA type conditioning drills from Kevin Kearns, and to tie it all together I concocted a little drill called the Mental Toughness Circuit to develop this faculty. I kept on tweaking it and through trial and error I finally hit upon a winning combination. This has been one of the few times in my life where everywhere I went people would immediately notice something was different about me. “What are you doing?” was the question I constantly got asked. As I enthusiastically explained they got excited about my program. Even in the gym at Naval Station Mayport where I developed and tried out most of the program, the trainers would come and ask what I was doing and get excited about it as well. I mean here was a guy doing agility ladders, medicine balls, explosive drills, heavy double Kettlebells, farmer’s walks, when mostly everyone else was doing Bench Presses and Lat Pull downs. All this training was incorporated into a single cohesive whole with one goal – to increase STRENGTH, CONDITIONING, and MENTAL TOUGHNESS. This manual is your working blueprint for you to incorporate these same training methods. The upcoming Training Cycles are going to start deceptively easy, but quickly turn into challenging and demanding workouts. If you need to take an extra day off, TAKE THE DAY OFF! This is going to be an awesome course! Should be out soon. ;) Very respectfully, Eric Guttmann ericguttmann/extreme-military-fitness/ ericguttmann/moving-freely/ ericguttmann/self-reliance-manifesto/
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 14:34:52 +0000

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