Working with the public can be so disappointing and also very - TopicsExpress


Working with the public can be so disappointing and also very rewarding. You never know what type of behavior youre going to get from all types of people. Income levels. religions, race ect...Last night one of our parties who I personally went out of my way to make sure their child had a great BD party.I Gave half my stuff shop away as a present from me and several other things through out the night. The Dad was being rude and just bullying the young lady doing a great job hosting their party. They ordered 3 extra pizzas late and two were delivered in ten minutes and another in twenty. So the complaint was the pie came out WAY too late. Keep in mind the kids for the party were already fed and served and done. So every time I checked on their party about every twenty minutes, they were fine with no complaints. He tells me this ONLY when it came time to pay his small bill. Tells my staff hes not paying the bill. lol Then he tries to dictate what he was going to pay me. Keep in mind they took that pizza and ate it. So as he tries to brow beat me and negotiate his bill I decide Im done dealing with this clown and I did get our bill paid in full. The crazy New Yorker in me came out and he shut up. lol The important thing is that the rest of his family and his sweet birthday girl had a blast and a great birthday! Its about the KIDS, NOT us. This is a perfect example of middle class with NO class...Then on the other side of the building I have a wonderful lady who happens to be a strong, black single Mom who has raised her FOUR kids by her SELF all their lives. This lady has worked as a school bus driver full time/ year round for 21 years! She has NEVER missed a days work in all those years!! She is going for perfect attendance till she retires. They were so much fun! Appreciative,and so good to our staff and myself. Kids were well behaved and respectful. Birthday girl found me to personally thank me for her party and Mom called the rink afterwards to thank me again...THAT my friends is does come in all sizes, colors, economic levels, religions and all types of people...I take our performance personally, so any minor negativity really is difficult for me to shake off. We have to run with the positive and enjoy those people....
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 16:30:32 +0000

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