Workplace gossip is all too common and it can be devastating to - TopicsExpress


Workplace gossip is all too common and it can be devastating to entire companies and to your career as well. Have you ever tried going seven days without talking about another person, period? Try it, but dont be surprised if you cant get past the first hour without finding yourself talking about someone who isnt a part of the conversation! Whether you have been the one gossiping or youve been gossiped about, its important that you learn how to deal with gossip, and how problematic it can really be. It doesnt matter whether gossip is true or false, it still has no place at work. The negative effects of gossip are strained relationships, mistrust, discontentment, even anger, and decreased productivity. For example, how much time have you wasted, in long conversations, complaining to others about the assistant who isnt as helpful as he could be, or your partner who isnt as loving as youd like, or how you know that that other department has a hidden agenda, that conflicts with your teams goals! Most of us intuitively realize that people who are gossips, do not have an inner world that is healthy and rich. Do you get, that if someone is a workplace gossip, it is because they feel insecure/inadequate? And/or they have a low sense of self-worth, and are desperate to find some way of feeling better about themselves. Contrast this with a person why shies away from gossip ... these people are too busy focusing on being the best they can, on making their personal dent in the universe. Think of someone you know who seems to stay away from workplace gossip. Would you say that that person is fairly secure within their own self? Is this a person who seems to have a good sense of their own self? Is this person quite successful? Do others look upon him or her with high regard and is s/he well liked? Is this a happy person? Contrast that with a person who is a known workplace gossip. Does this person seem to constantly try to find fault with others to make him or herself look better? Is this person well liked and trusted? Is the vibe around this person pleasant or unpleasant? Do you think this is a happy person?
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 07:37:44 +0000

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