World: please explain to me your notions on freedom and - TopicsExpress


World: please explain to me your notions on freedom and democracy 08/16/2013 On September 11, 2011, the world stood still and watched horrified as terrorists hijacked the US. These terrorists were foreigners, and immediately afterwards, the US opted to clean the world of these terror cells/groups. First, President Bush announced to the world that it had to side: either be with the US or be with the terror groups. Then he went viciously after the attackers, first, in Afghanistan. The US also made it very clear to Pakistan that it either assisted the US or get caught in the assault. President Bush also went after the same group in Iraq, a disastrous mistake, and a catastrophe that the US will have to live with for the rest of history. A far-fetched scenario, but one that needs to be imagined now, is what if these terrorists were from within the United States? An even further far-fetched scenario would be what if the party governing, at that time the Republicans, were somehow involved or, better yet, planned these horrendous attacks for one unimaginable reason or another. What would the US have done in this situation? Would the US have supported freedom and given these Republicans the benefit of the doubt, waited out until they finished their term, or held their breath and let democracy take its course? I doubt it would have stood and watched. Under these dire circumstances, I bet Americans would’ve hit the streets and called for the ousting of their president and his party. Americans would have fought tooth and nail until they rid their country of the terrorists. And this is what Egypt is doing now. It is fighting to the best of its ability to rid itself of terror inflicted from within and by the ruling party. And yet, today, three days after bloodshed has spewed all over Egypt, the world is condemning Egypt oblivious to the terror inflicted upon it. Many European countries stopped its aid to Egypt, Obama cancelled a joint military exercise with Egypt, and Egyptian ambassadors are called in to be rebuked. The world is implementing the notions of freedom and democracy blindly unaware that they would’ve acted similarly had they been faced with the same atrocities. Yes, the attack on Rabaa was horrendous. Yes, innocent, and not innocent, lives were shed. Yes, Egyptians in general are in mourning. Still, let’s think of why we are where we are now. The power that the Muslim Brotherhood craves dictates its actions. Its members are ready to fight until the last breath of air in them and in others. Hence, they are willing to sacrifice their children and themselves, and in the process all Egyptians, to attain power. The power over Egypt is one step in the direction they target. From Egypt, the leading country in the Middle East, the Muslim Brotherhood goes beyond borders into the Middle East, and from the Middle East to the world. The aim is to have the world under its command, and to turn the world into an Islamic Caliphate. After Morsi’s ousting, the MB was asked to join the road map and participate in governance. Their refusal was due to their insisting on being the only power. They realize that if they now lose power, they may never regain it in Egypt or elsewhere. You see they have been exposed. End result: they are holding on with all their might. Another anguishing side to this dilemma is how appealing death is for some. Martyrdom, dying while defending Islam, secures a place in heaven. For the absolute believer, this is the best way to die. Hence, the innocent and misdirected believe they are fighting a holy cause, one worth dying for. And Egyptians today are hoping the army and the police force can rid Egypt of this terror. This is, however, naiveté on Egyptians’ part. MB members are out and about, armed and ready to die, and burning their bridges; to them, it is the point of no return. I’ll die but I’ll take as many others with me as I can, freeing the world of atheists and disbelievers. Eighty years ago, the Muslim Brotherhood emerged in Egypt; then its brand spread all over the world mutating into various groups and cells. Still, all the groups are ideologically motivated to attain power and have the world succumb to that power. We, as Egyptians, must apologize to the world for exporting the Muslim Brotherhood terror to the world. In the meantime, we will have to fight that terror in Egypt alone while going against the world’s will, as the world deems Egypt a wretched country led by junta willing to kill for their own good. World: Egypt is on the brink of destruction because it is fighting a war against terror that would otherwise reach you. Azza Sedky
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 19:10:24 +0000

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