Would You Leave Your Child Helpless in a Fire Outbreak? - A - TopicsExpress


Would You Leave Your Child Helpless in a Fire Outbreak? - A #reflection from the Qurʿān: Allāh, ʾazza wa jalla, says in Sūrah al-Taḥrīm, 66:6: Believers! Safeguard yourselves and your families from a Fire, fuelled by people and stones...” We all know that Allāh is severe in punishment, if He decides to (see Sūrah al-Māʿidah, 5:98). He could have simply warned the believers against His Anger and Punishment. But instead, He warned them agains His Fire, which is material that can be physically felt. Why did Allāh use fire to warn us against the consequences of disobeying Him? Its naturally human that one hates to see his spouse and especially children in pain. Such pain can range from that, caused by fly bites to road accidents and fire outbreaks. Undoubtedly, seeing your wife/husband or child screaming from fire burns is unbearable. Sometimes, you may impossibly wish to bear the pains on their behalf. Since you love them dearly, you ought to save them from the fire of the Hereafter, which is been prepared for the infidels, the hypocrite and the arrogant (see Sūrah al-Nisāʿ, 4:145, Sūrah Āli ʾImrān, 3:131 and Sūrah al-Zumar, 39:60). To have a rough idea of how the fire of Hereafter may look like, let’s just take a look at volcanos, when it erupts and ejects lava, ash and gases. May Allah give us the courage and strength to safeguard ourselves and our loved ones from disobeying Him, the Almighty, and from the hellfire. Ameen. What is your reflection from the Qurʿān today. Please share it with us in the comment area, and it may be posted under your name, inshā Allāh. Allahu Hafiz :)
Posted on: Fri, 09 May 2014 09:03:10 +0000

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