Would anyone be interested in a resin kit form version of the - TopicsExpress


Would anyone be interested in a resin kit form version of the shield generator? Im thinking of doing a limited edition run of something like this along with the limited run of a fully completed version. Now, the advantages of the kit instead of a fully assembled version is that shipping would be a hell of lot cheaper, due to the size of the built model, so the package would be much smaller. The kit would come in 15 parts and is dead simple to put together. Now it is a large model measuring 20inch length x 8.5inch wide and 5inch high. EDIT: After seeing how bad the pound to dollar exchange rate is i have decided to lower the prices as the pound is too strong against the dollar at the moment. So the price would be £80 (approx $135 US) + postage OR...... I could offer it as a fully painted kit, then all you would have to do is glue the few sections together, but that would be a little more expensive at around £130 (approx $220US). The proceeds will go towards funding the rest of the Revisited saga. If genuinely interested then please comment below. Thanks You can see a picture of the built and fully painted model here:(obviously it doesnt come with the snow, but that is just sodium bicarb anyway) https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t31.0-8/474523_421053841243537_1989456732_o.jpg
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 07:22:17 +0000

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