Would you say its time to do another poll? This is what the list - TopicsExpress


Would you say its time to do another poll? This is what the list looked like when I last did one in 2012. 10,000 fans voted. Do you think the list would look the same today and where would the new books land? 1. The Stand (2390 votes) 2. It (1435 votes) 3. The Shining (440 votes) 4. Salems Lot (379 votes) 5. The Green Mile (322 votes) 6. The Talisman (313 votes) 7. Pet Sematary (287 votes) 8. The Dark Tower 1: The Gunslinger (276 votes) 9. The Dark Tower 4: Wizard and Glass (273 votes) 10. Duma Key (214 votes) 11. Misery (212 votes) 12. Under The Dome (207 votes) 13. Bag of Bones (195 votes) 14. 11/22/63 (195 votes) 15. Needful Things (193 votes) 16. Insomnia (189 votes) 17. The Long Walk (183 votes) 18. The Dark Tower 7: The Dark Tower (171 votes) 19. Eyes of the Dragon (143 votes) 20. The Dark Tower 2: The Drawing of the Three (135 votes) 21. Rose Madder (129 votes) 22. Liseys Story (122 votes) 23. Christine (115 votes) 24. The Dark Tower 3: The Waste Lands (106 votes) 25. Desperation (105 votes) 26. The Dead Zone (99 votes) 27. Cell (82 votes) 28. Hearts in Atlantis (76 votes) 29. Different Seasons (74 votes) 30. Geralds Game (71 votes) 31. The Tommyknockers (69 votes) 32. Dreamcatcher (67 votes) 33. The Dark Tower 5: Wolves of the Calla (66 votes) 34. Dolores Claiborne (64 votes) 35. Carrie (64 votes) 36. The Dark Half (53 votes) 37. Cujo (46 votes) 38. The Girl who Loved Tom Gordon (46 votes) 39. Firestarter (43 votes) 40. From A Buick 8 (31 votes) 41. Storm of the Century (30 votes) 42. Nightmares & Dreamscapes (30 votes) 43. Thinner (29 votes) 44. On Writing (29 votes) 45. The Running Man (23 votes) 46. Full Dark, No Stars (23 votes) 47. Black House (22 votes) 48. Four Past Midnight (22 votes) 49. Skeleton Crew (21 votes) 50. Night Shift (20 votes) 51. Rage (19 votes) 52. The Regulators (19 votes) 53. Everythings Eventual (15 votes) 54. The Dark Tower 6: Song of Susannah (14 votes) 55. The Wind Through The Keyhole (9 votes) 56. The Colorado Kid (8 votes) 57. Cycle of the Werewolf (7 votes) 58. Danse Macabre (6 votes) 59. Roadwork (5 votes) 60. Blaze (5 votes) 61. Just After Sunset (4 votes) 62. Mile 81 (3 votes) 63. Blockade Billy (2 votes) 64. The Plant (0 votes) 65. Ur (0 votes) 66. Faithful (0 votes)
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 07:24:07 +0000

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