Wouldnt it be nice if we could simply say, Our red or blue team is - TopicsExpress


Wouldnt it be nice if we could simply say, Our red or blue team is absolutely right, and the other team is absolutely wrong. So, just change to our way of thinking, and then we could be done with all the apparently useless banter? Yet, although this is what the majority of American voters appear to do each election cycle and in-between--rely on what their candidates tell them without question--the reality is that liberty and tyranny are the only two possible teams to join. There is no other equation. These are simply the good and the evil teams. There is no need to assign colors unless one is confused as to the nature of good and evil. All other messaging and promotion of political ideology are simply mirages and distractions from this reality. On the one hand, the red team is, much of the time in its current form today, selling a certain brand of collectivist tyranny, called fascism. This is the partnering of large global and national corporate, military, and elite financial interests, with their elected puppets serving their every whim and interest, regardless the damage these interests may do to the essential liberties, property and person of all members of society. On the other hand, the blue team is, much of the time in its current form today, selling a certain brand of collectivist tyranny, ranging from socialism to communism. These are the partnering of government with the few global and national social elite, and often financial elite as well, to control directly or indirectly the factors of production, as well as, personal and corporate property, and with these control of the individual, with their elected puppets serving their every whim and interest, regardless the damage these interests may do to the essential liberties, property and person of all members of society. Both of these majority political teams--when one considers the highest-level powers behind their strategies and end game--are simply pushing oligarchic collectivist tyranny or one form or another. Both, in reality, regardless the propaganda to deceive you, destroy your individual liberty, property ownership, and self-determination. Yet, our nation was founded by the founding states, to one primary mission--the protections of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all citizens of the resulting union. The primary goal of our founders was to protect that which both parties in power today are destroying, albeit in slightly different ways. Sadly, over time this protection has been co-opted by these who would rather tyrannize the populace as long as their ideological dogma survives in tact. Those who are selling welfare, warfare or corporate tyranny, are selling tyranny. And, ultimately, their power is one of an oligarchy--the few elite--who plan to harness the power of both their global and national central rule to their own political, economic and commercial gain. The bottom line is this: decisions we make in life, and what follows as a result of these decisions, individually, moves us either towards more individual freedom, or less. More financial freedom, or less. More physical freedom, or less. Similarly, any laws, regulations, mandates or orders our executive and legislative branches of government enact, backed by their select crony corporate and political partners in crime, or what is rare today, driven by character and moral rightness in alignment with natural law, moves us either towards less individual freedom, or more, as a society. What can we do then as still relatively free individuals desiring to restore and sustain our full measure of liberty and to not fall prey to the red-blue ruse? First, avoid simplistic and robotic thought that votes solely for the color of a team, the smile, the looks, or the slick oratory. Rather, ask yourself, Will this legislation, candidate, program, or promised benefit, when all is said and done, increase my overall individual and societal freedom, or will it decrease it? If we do our homework and not rely upon the owned media and entertainment, the paid talking heads, the paid lobbyists, or the owned politicians, we can answer these questions and know where to place our votes, donations and personal resources. Today, more than at any other time in history, we all need to get it--quickly--that we are being played by the red-blue ruse. Examine each candidate as to their alignment with liberty or tyranny. Examine each proposed legislation. Examine ourselves as to our true motivations. Be the team of rugged individuals that defines our unique, common denominator, not the divided nation that is headed for a designed fall to usher in our own serfdom. DM Chaney Thoughts on Liberty (Draft*) * * If youve never read my ToL, these are journal entries that I usually write quickly as thoughts occur to me while doing research, reading, etc. If I like a particular ToL, I will often then publish on our blog, Leading for Liberty (ceosforliberty.wordpress). If you notice the specific ToL being modified over time, its due to some edits caught by myself and others after quick draft. Primarily, I am studying history, current events, and reading what my friends and like-minded individuals post regarding both, to ensure I am up to the task of contributing to my goal--the recovery and sustaining of American business and overall exceptionalism for future generations. Thank you for humoring me through my errors and ramblings. Thank you, as well, for contributing important thoughts to what I believe to be most important dialog of our time. Cheers!
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 00:45:08 +0000

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