Wow this idiot again. I challenge anybody to listen to what he has - TopicsExpress


Wow this idiot again. I challenge anybody to listen to what he has to say and then read my point by point refutation of this video. 1. Absolute truth. There are some things you can be absolute about. I can say that I am absolutely certain that everyone alive today will someday engage in the biological process we define as death. I do not hold absolute knowledge of all possible things in this one universe we live in, but there no known case of a human being born and not dying. Even jesus died according to the story and if you claim that he technically didnt die, i will say that he technically wasnt human, but god in human form. 2. No gods exist. Wow. Atheist simply says that they dont believe a god exist. Thats it. You can find some that say no gods exists, but the ONLY requirement to be an atheists is to simply NOT ACCEPT any god claim, whether its the christian god or the hindu gods. Most people who arent atheists dont really know what atheists believe because well they havent asked an atheist because well most of you (especially you baptist folk, i know cause i was raised as one) are told of this immoral, satan worshipping image that atheists are when thats not the cause. Steve Harvey himself said on the Joy Behar show that if finds out that somebody is an atheist, he wont talk to them cause theyre idiots. (interview easy to google) Then he went to talk about what we believe even he just claimed he wont talk to us. 3. Personal experience. I never experienced jesus so therefore i dont think jesus exists. Josh never experienced Allah so therefore he doesnt think allah exists. Josh experienced jesus, therefore he believes jesus exists. Osama bin laden experienced allah, so therefore allah exists. See how that works? It doesnt. Thats why you cant use your personal experience as proof that god exists in an attempt to convince someone else. If thats the case, you would then have to believe the personal experiences of alien abductees. 4. Atheists dont believe in anything. False. Atheism is the lack of belief in a god, it is NOT the lack of religion. Hell some people follow football religiously. I mean really religiously. Orthodox bhuddists are all atheists. Why? Because they dont believe a god exists. Bhudda is simply the surname for Siddhartha Gautama, the first human to reach Nirvana, or enlightenment. Bhudda is dead. They simply follow the teachings of that human, the Four Noble Truths and The Eightfold path. They dont worship bhudda or any gods. I repeat, THEY DONT WORSHIP BHUDDA OR ANY GODS. A more relevent analogy would be how lots of people still follow the teachings of MLK but dont worship him. On the other hand, there are people who literally worship Beyonce (Church of Beyism in Atlanta). Those people arent atheists, they believe that a god exists (beyonce) and they actively worship. 5. Because i dont believe in a god, I cant say that Hitler was wrong for killing all those people. Asshole. 6. Why murder is wrong. Empathy. Something we all can agree on is that we all want to survive and not be harmed. The fact of how over protective parents are for their young, humans and every other living creature, just shows how they want to protect their young and want them to survive. Also how no ones wants to be harmed, we all want to live. I dont want you murdering my family, so I wont murder yours. We all know that living things have some survival instinct built into them. Its like when newborn babies root. They are born knowing how to suck on a nipple. You dont have to teach them. Societies quickly recognize the importance of survival, even moreso that humans are social creatures. We thrive on teamwork and being around each other in social units. Even the lone thief type of person needs other people to be around so he has people he can rob. Humans survive in the community. We are not like common frogs and african golden cats who live most of their life in solitude and only enjoy company to breed. Societies who dont value life and view murder as wrong simply dont survive. Ever. Now if you want to get into honor killings, that is a whole nother topic which I dont mind discussing. 7. Moral pronouncements. We know murder is wrong because said it is. Thats not moral. Its a pronouncement, it is simply god saying murder is wrong because he said its wrong. If god said murder is ok, then you would say murder is ok. Shit god told Abraham to sacrifice his son. Abraham, after some hesistation, then thought it was right to sacrifice his son because god said so. Shit you christians even think that Abraham was right for following his faith deciding it was ok to sacrifice his son. Besides, after god gave moses the 10 commandments to include thou shalt not murder, the next chapter god orders Moses and his men to kill of the Amakelits men,women, and yound boys and to keep the young virgins to themselves. Its not moral, you are just doing what god says. He said kill them and thats what they did. 8. Talking to imaginery people. I challenge Josh and other christian to have an open and honest conversation with Allah or maybe Krishnu. Better yet, how bout we get into the same room, i get on my knees and talk to jesus and you get on your knees and talk to allah and someone else gets on their knees and talk to krishnu and we will let each other know how it goes. k. 9. Singling out atheists. Contrary to popular belief, the philosophical battlefield isnt home to only christians and atheists. Its home to EVERY worldview. Hypothetically, say you prove once and for all that some kind of intelligent, supreme being DID create the universe. You would then have to debate EVERY other religion on which god did it. Obviously every religion would claim that their god did it and you would then see more debates between competing religions. There are quite a number of christian vs muslim debates you can watch on youtube but reason you always hear about atheist vs every god religion so much is because nobody hasnt gotten passed the part where you first prove a god exist or that the universe was designed. 10. Proving a negative. You cant technically prove a negative. I cant say with 100% certainty that its impossible for a god to exist, but I can claim that a god does not exist based on the fact that no religion has proven their god to exist and that we dont need to invoke the supernatural to explain how the universe works. If you claim that god is something you have a personal relationship and that you cant physically prove it then that is my point. If thats the case, prove to me with absolute certainty that allah does not exist. Can you really say that it is impossible for you to be wrong about which god did it? 11. Absolutely certainty. Again. Is it possible that it is absolutely impossible for any god to exist other than the one YOU worship? Now how fast can I spend 100k?
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 13:55:05 +0000

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